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Demetria's P.O.V.:

After a few minutes of waiting, the sound of a loud engine echoes through the street. Taking a sharp turn appears the Batmobile. The car goes down the street at full speed but then stops perfectly right in front of us. The bulletproof glass opens revealing a very angry looking Batman. He jumps out of the car and walks over to Nightwing.

"What happened here," he asks him.

"I was on my way to Kori's when I came across the little runts dismembering poor Ubu over there," he says looking up towards us and then pointing over to the possibly dead Ubu on the ground.

"Did you call an ambulance?"

"Ya. I called right after you hung up."


Father then looks up towards us, not saying anything. He then reaches into his belt and pulls out a Batarang, cutting the ropes holding us captive. I land on my feet while Damian ends up face planting onto the ground due to his position. Father walks up to me and cuts the rope around me. He then walks over to Damian to cut him loose but was stopped by Nightwing.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Nightwing says, "that one just doesn't know when to stop."

Batman retracts his hand and Damian begins screaming in protest. I sigh in embarrassment. I can't believe I'm related to this banshee.

"Demetria, get in the car before anyone sees you," father says turning his back towards us and walking towards Ubu.

I grab Damian by the rope tied along his torso and hoist him into the backseat of the Batmobile. The sirens of ambulances and police cars entered my ears. I quickly jump into the passenger seat of the Batmobile and press the button to close the glass. Police cars and ambulances entered the scene, parking all around the Batmobile.

A man in a light-brown trench coat with white hair, a mustache, and glasses walked out of one of the police cars and to father and Nightwing. Based upon the movement of their lips, the man was asking them who the culprit was. They looked at each other and told the man that they had no idea.

As I was reading their lips, Damian's thrashing in the backseat broke me out of my concentration. He looks at me, his eyes pleading to untie him.

"No, Dami," I say looking back to the three males, "You're just going to leave the Batmobile and kill Ubu. As much as I would like that to happen, there are too many witnesses."

I hear Damian sigh. The rustling in the back, stops, and I see that he is now laying on his side, staring out the front window.

Looking back to the men, I notice a bunch of civilians has gathered around, holding their phones out, recording, and watching the scene. Some were taking pictures and recording the scene, while others were getting pictures and recordings of the two heroes. This isn't even the exciting part, they missed it.

After five minutes, Ubu was escorted to the hospital and the civilians were forced to leave the premises. Despite everyone leaving, father, Nightwing, and all of the officers stayed back talking.

I bang my head against the side of the car, annoyed and bored in the situation that I'm in. I must've banged my head a little too hard because suddenly everyone's head's is turned this way. To avoid suspicion, father tells the man that Nightwing and he have to leave.

Nightwing pulls out a remote from his belt and presses a button. A few seconds later, a blue motorcycle parks right next to the Batmobile. Nightwing jumps onto the motorcycle and sits there, staring at father.

Just then, father walks over to the Batmobile and mouthes 'down' to me. I get the memo and pull Damian, making him fall onto the floor of the vehicle while I get down myself.

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