Chapter 13: The Tell Almost All

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Alice's P.O.V.

I jumped when the car door opened and Derek got back in.

"How'd it go? Did he tell you the truth?"

"No, but I wasn't really expecting him too."

"What are you gonna do?"

"With him? Nothing. He seems frightened enough to stay out of everything."

I frowned slightly. Jackson wasn't one to scare easily, and he definitely didn't give up when he wanted something.

"That doesn't sound like Jackson."

Derek reached over and squeezed my hand.

"Everything will be okay."

"I hope so."

Derek held onto my hand the rest of the way to his house and it was comforting. When we pulled up we both got out and he came around to help me into the house. He led me over to the couch and I sat down.

"I know it's not the most fun place to be, but I don't want you staying home alone."

"This is fine Der. I don't mind."

"Did you ever get to talk to the surgeon about your eyes?"

I sighed.

"My dad had a small conversation with them. He said it's possible but we can't afford it. So I told my dad to just forget about it. It's not worth us losing everything."

"If money wasn't an issue would you do it?"

"Absolutely. God, I'd love to see everyone again. See how everyone has changed since the last time I saw them."



"Nothing. Don't worry about it."

I frowned and glared in his direction.

"I hate when you do that."

"Do what?"

"Keep things from me."

"I'm not keeping things from you. I'm just waiting for a better time to tell you things."

I rolled my eyes.

"Sounds like your keeping things from me."

"I promise it's nothing bad. In fact, it'll be a great surprise one day."

"If you say so."

I jumped when Derek grabbed my hands and stood me up.

"I need you to be really quiet."

His tone made me really nervous but I followed as he led me away.

"What's wrong?"

We stopped and I heard him close a door.

"I need you to stay here, no matter what happens or what you hear. Stay here and don't make a sound."

I nodded my head and gripped onto his hands. I heard a door open in the house.

"No one home."

"Oh, he's here. He's just not feeling particularly hospitable."

"Maybe he's out burying a bone in the backyard."

"Really? A dog joke? We're going there, and that's the best you got? If you wanna provoke him, say something like, too bad your sister bit it before she had her first litter."

I felt Derek tense up and I leaned in closer to him to try and calm him down.

"Too bad she howled like a bitch when we cut her in half!"

Derek growled and suddenly he wasn't near me anymore. I heard some thumping a few rooms away and then a groan from Derek.

"Wow. This one grew up in all the right places. I don't know whether to kill it or lick it."

I tensed at her words. I didn't like either of those options. I heard Derek growl at her in response.

"900,000 volts. You never were good with electricity, were you? Or fire. Which is why I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. And, well, maybe we can help each other out. Yes, your sister was severed into pieces and used as bait to try and catch you. Unpleasant, and frankly, a little too Texas chainsaw massacre for my taste, but quite true. Now, here's the part that might really kick you in your new balls-  We didn't kill her. You think I'm lying?"

"Wouldn't be the first time."

What does he mean by that? Did he know her?

"Tsk, sweetie- Well- Why don't you just listen to my heart and tell me if I am. Okay? We- didn't- kill- your- sister. Do you hear that? There's no blips or upticks. Just the steady beat of the cold hard truth. Found bite marks on your sisters body Derek. What do you think did that? A mountain lion? Why aren't we helping each other out? You might as well admit what you've been guessing all along, which is- the alpha killed your sister. And all you have to do it tell us who he is, and we'll take care of it for you. Problem solved, everybody goes home happy. Unless- you don't know who he is either. Wow. Guess who just became totally useless?"

All of a sudden I heard running before I was swept up and gunfire followed us. I screamed and held onto Derek. We ran for a minute before the gunfire stopped and we were far enough away. Derek sat me down and I noticed he was breathing heavy.

"What was that? Who were they?"

"Hunters. An Argent."

"Did you know her?"

I heard him sigh.

"It's complicated."

"I want to know."

"She's the one who started the fire. She's the one who killed my family."

I was shocked.

"But- Why would she do that?"

"I don't know. She's a psychopath. I realized that too late."

"What do you mean?"

"We used to date. When I was in high school. She was a bit older and I was a stupid teenager who didn't realize what she was doing."

"You can't blame yourself for what happened. Everything that happened is on her. Not you."

He sighed again and I had a feeling he didn't believe a word I said.

"I should get you home."

I frowned but nodded.


He helped lead me through the woods and eventually, after he made sure they were gone, helped me into his car. The drive was silent and I didn't know what to say to comfort him. When the car stopped I turned to face Derek.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay. Are you?"

"A little shaken but that's it."

"I'm sorry. You always seem to be in danger because of me."

"I disagree. I feel safer around you then anywhere else."

"I'm trying."

"Everything will be okay Der. One day it'll all be better."

"Hopefully so. I'll see you later Alice."

I frowned.

"Okay. See ya."

I got out of the car and made my way into my house. I heard Stiles up in his room but just made my way to my own. I flopped down on my bed and got lost in thought.

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