Chapter Twenty-Seven - Callie

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It had been 24 years exactly since I last saw my baby. She was the light of my day and till the day, she was.

The day she was kidnapped, was the worst day of our lives. Adam and Mateo were devastated, just like I was. Adam wouldn't get out of his room for days and he barely ate. He was so attached to his one-year-old sister. He used to help me feed her and whenever I needed rest, he and Mateo would look after her. He was right years old at that time.

Mateo wasn't the same ever since. Before he retired, he buried himself in work and came home so late. He never smiled for years, not until we found Angelica. She was dumped on the side of the road, crying for her mother who had left her. She was seven when we adopted her.

She was the light to our dark home. She was so loved, especially by Adam, who stayed by her side through everything. So the fact that she was now acting against everyone was a bit alarming.

Dalilah told Adam what had happened and he told Mateo and me. I couldn't believe it at first because how could a mother believe that her daughter made a deal with the enemy against her family. Dalilah might be only engaged to Adam, but she's family. Everyone from the Gonzalez's was family.

"I don't know what to do," Mateo said as he buried his face in his hands. "I never thought that a day like this would come, my own daughter, betraying me for selfish reasons."

"I am sure she has an explanation, Mat. Let's listen to her, please," I pleaded.

"I will listen to her, of course. But you know what she'll tell me?"

"What?" I asked.

"I did it because I love him, dad. She'll tell me that she was jealous."

I sighed in defeat, knowing that he was right. Angelica has this weird obsession with Demetrio. It's unhealthy and needed to be gone. We told her multiple times that she should let him go because everyone saw that he didn't like her back, but she wouldn't listen. He'll, even Dalilah once argued with Angelica because of this subject. I knew that Dalilah stopped talking to Angelica about Demetrio because she didn't want to fight with her. She didn't want any tension to build between Adam and her.

"You're right," I said, looking at my feet. "Should I call her here?"

"I just texted Adam to do so," was his reply.

After five minutes, a knock on the door echoed in the room, as Mateo called for her to come in. He instantly knew who it was from her knocking pattern.

"You called for me?" Angelica asked, sitting on one of the chairs.

She still didn't know what Dalilah told us.

"We have to talk, Mi Hija," Mateo started.

"What is it? Did something happen?" she asked.

Mateo rubbed his face and sighed before saying, "we know what you did."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," Angelica replied.

Mateo's face flashed with anger as he looked down at her. I had never seen him that angry, not since torturing people.

"I am not a little boy, Ang. Why did you do it?"

"Dad, I am sorry!" she started crying. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I just..."

"You didn't mean to hurt anyone, yet you handed Leila to her abusive ex-husband, who you knew used to beat her! And with her being pregnant? How could you do that!" he yelled, standing up from his seat and slamming his hand on the table, making Angelica flinch. "That was not how I raised you."

She kept on crying.

"Why did you do it, Angelica?" I asked gently.

"I love him," she replied, making Mateo roll his eyes. I wanted to tell him to calm down but I knew she had it coming. She needed to learn what is right and what is wrong.

"I am sorry," she cried.

"It's not us you have to say sorry to, it's Lorenzo and his family, especially Dalilah and Leila," Mateo replied.

Angelica didn't say anything. She kept crying.

"Go to your room, now."

With that, she scurried out of the office.

"I didn't enjoy doing that," he said.

"I know. I didn't enjoy witnessing that."

"I am sorry, but she deserved it. She needs to learn."

"I know my love."

"I am just worried about Adam. I don't want him hating her. He gave me hell when I asked him to get her here."

"I will talk to him, my love. Don't worry," I said, hugging him.

He ushered for me to come and grabbed my waist, placing me on his lap. He sighed heavily and buried his face in my neck. "Do you ever think about how would it have been if Anna was with us now?" he asked hesitantly.

I hugged him tighter and said, "Every single day. She never leaves my mind. Her little chubby hands, rosy lips, beautiful green hypnotizing eyes...everything," I said with a smile.

"I want to say something but don't get me wrong," he started.

"What is it?" I asked with a frown.

He took a piece from my hair and started twirling it. "Whenever I see Leila Romano, I remember Anna."

I was shocked by that revelation. For a moment, I thought he hated her.

"She has Anna's eyes," I nodded.

"She does and it pains me to even think that someone with those eyes had to go through all of that because then I think of Anna and where she might be."

"I hope Anna is okay wherever she is. I hope one day we reunite again because Mateo, I cannot take it anymore," my voice cracked as I buried my face in his neck and hugged him tightly. "I miss her so much. I want her back, please find her."

"I am sorry," he said. I could feel something wet on my ear and when I looked back at him, I saw him crying. "I am sorry I couldn't save her."

"It wasn't your fault," I said.

"I was supposed to protect her. I was supposed to find her, but I failed, Callie. I failed my daughter and I failed you."

"It wasn't your fault, Mat. I love you so much and we will get through this together, yeah?" I said, trying to sound strong.

More than 20 years had passed, but it was still the hardest thing we had ever gone through.

"I love you too, mi amor," he said, pecking my lips.

"Now we need to sort Angelica's problem. I don't know what Lorenzo would want to do with her. After all, it was his daughter."

"I am sure he wouldn't do anything to harm Angelica, but she needs to apologize and learn from this. I feel like we did something wrong with Ang. She wasn't like this."

"I don't know what we did wrong, Mat, but I hope she doesn't go down a dark path."

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