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(Your POV)

When I was little, I didn't know what to think of this man. He was very friendly and funny towards me. He's always there when I'm sad or alone, but manages to cheer me up. His name is Splendorman.

One day when I was at daycare he showed up, because the lady watching us went to another room. She wasn't the nicest person, but took care of us. Anyways, he showed up, seeing as there were 9 other kids besides myself there.

"Hello children." Splendorman says smiling. "How is everyone doing today?"

We all say simultaneously, "Good."

"How would everyone like to play outside?" He asked opening the front door.

The front door was normally locked. No one knew how he got it open, but we all didnt care. I then noticed the set of keys in his hand behind his back. He set them down without making a sound and noticed I saw. He then put a finger to his lips and smiled while making a shushing edpression.

We all headed outside and began playing on the equipment. Everyone had fun. I sat on a swing by myself, I was alone. Then I began being pushed on the swing, looking back I noticed it was Splendorman.

"Thank you Splendorman." I say as a smile crept on my face.

"Your welcome, and please call me Splendor, (y/n)." He says continuing pushing me.

The day went by fast and we headed back inside. The lady still wasn't around so Splendor promised that he'd stay until all our parents showed up. And like that, one by one, the parents showed up. Each child ran outside to be picked up. I was last and my parents were late.

Trendor stayed with me the entire time and we played together. I was drawing a picture of him and me, I was older and we were holding hands. I also put a circle around us indicating our love. I gave is Splendor as a gift.

"This is beautiful (y/n), thank you. I'll cherish it,  and you forever." He says putting a kiss on my forehead.

As I got up as I saw mommy outside waiting for me in her car. I was gunna turn and say goodbye to Splendor, but he was already gone.

There, on the tabel, was a note for me and it said, "Farewell (y/n). Until we meet again. Love Splendor."

I folded the note, shoved it in my pocket, and headed to moms car as she drove us home.

~~ Time Skip - 12 years later ~~

I just turned 18, and was heading off on my own. Finishing school was the best thing, and as I arrived to my apartment i saw a note on my door.

The note said: "Dear (y/n). Meet me at your old daycare center. From, an old friend."

"I don't think anything bad could happen from meeting up with an old friend, but who could it be." I say aloud as I went to put thing away and headed to my old daycare.

I currently lived on the opposite side of town from the daycare center. It is currently rundown, and hasn't been open for a few years now.

As I walked there, a shiver ran down my spine. Thinking I was being watched, I'd look around a few times as I walked, but... no one was there. I kept walking to the old daycare without stopping.

As I arrived, a light could be seen inside. There was a note on the door addressed to me. It read:

"Dear (y/n), please head on inside, the door is unlocked. I will be waiting in your room where we first met."

I folded the paper and tucked it inside my back poked as I walked through the hallway of my old preschool. Many of the lockers had graffiti, or were bashed up from years of neglect.

From down the hall was a light coming from one of the rooms. As I got closer, I noticed someone sitting at the teachers desk. They wore a polka dot suit, with matching hat.

"Hello?" I say walking into the room.

The person turned their attention towards me as I jumped from seeing their face. They had hollow eyes.

"(Y/n)! I'm glad you were able to make it." He said getting up from the desk walking towards me.

"Splendorman? What are you doing here?" I say as I looked at him closely.

"I am the one who requested your presence." He annouced, embracing me into a hug.

I blushed from the sudden contact, but returned his hug anyways. I closed my eyes as I was about to speak when I was suddenly kissed. It was very passionate, I got too into it that I winned when he pulled away.

"You seemed to enjoy that (y/n). Why don't I take us somewhere more, clean." Splendor said while I looked around noticing how dirty the room was.

I was suddenly blinded by Splendors hand over my eyes. When uncovered, we were in a different room, it was very colorful and clean. There was a large rainbow King bed in the middle of the room. An open room wardrobe with 3 dressers on one side of the room, the other side had a door that led to a huge master bathroom.

Amused by the bright colors and large space of the room, I had not noticed Splendorman was half undressed until I turned around to face him. When suddenly pulled into a kiss with a shirtless Splendor, seemd more exciting then relized.

Splendor began removing my shirt and pants, revealing my matching underwear. Embarrassed, I tried covering myself but Splendor blocked me instead. Leaning closer he gave a very charming smile.

"Thats a very cute set for a gorgeous girl." Splendor says while guiding me towards the bed.

Splendor towered above me while I layed on my back on the bed. He began kissing me again, this time he licked my teeth asking entrance. I wasn't sure at first until I gasped as I felt his hand glide along side my inner thigh towards my panties. We explored each other's wet caverns until we needed to breath.

He began removing my panties and bra, leaving me entirely naked. Lowering his head to my region, he began laping up my already soaking pussy. I moaned each time his tounge thrusted inside. I soon came in his mouth, only to see he sat up licking his lips covered in my juices.

Splendor began removing his his rainbow pants revealing a bulging tent in his boxers. Adjusting himself to my entrance he removed his boxer only to have his penis his my region causing me to gasp.

"This won't hurt too long, I promis." Splendor says as he began pushing his dick into the folds of my vagina.

It didn't hurt right away but as he got deeper it began to stretch and pain took into account. I squirmed as Splendor was keeping me calm. When he was all the way in I had to adjust for a few minutes before he began moving.

Splendor began fondling my breasts as he began thrusting slowly, it still hurt but subsided after a while.

"It doesn't hurt any more," I say between gasps of breath to Splendor.

Nodding, he picked up the pace going faster and harder every few minutes. My moans were echoing off the walls as my juices made it easier for him to move. The pain was no longer felt, only pleasure remained.

Suddenly I was pulled up to Splendors chest as he held onto me. I was now riding him while he sat up holding me as well. His dick hit deeper into my vagina hitting my G spot.

Immense pleasure overcame as he bounced me on-top of him allowing his dick to hit deeper inside. I was a moaning mess as I held my arms around his neck keeping myself upright. Splendor kept bouncing as we were both close to our orgasms.

With a few final thrusts he came inside as deep as he could reach, as I screamed of extacy coming all over his dick. We stayed in the same position for a few minutes before I was able to move off of him. We layed next to each other, Splendor pulled me close and cuddled me against his chest.

"How do you feel, (y/n)?" Splendor says giving me a smile.

Returning a smile I happily reply, "The best I've felt in years, now that I'm with you,"

Splendor kissed me, and we cuddled until we both fell right asleep.

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