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Another week has passed, as usual my classmates seem to be terrified of me even when I tried to approach them or greet them. They'd assume that I was angry and run away screaming 'sorry!'. Kane finds this amusing and laughs about it everytime it happens.

Whenever school ended, Cohen would be waiting for me outside. What a good little brother~ Seeing his face makes me happy~ But the problem is, when these two would meet they would radiate some type of dark aura between them. Talking to me as if the other isn't here.

Kane would swing his arm over me and say,
"Credence, since we're now free, let's go to an arcade or a karaoke bar!"

Cohen would protectively pull me away,
"Brother, aren't you hungry? Let's head back home quickly"

IT FEELS GOOD HAVING TWO ATTRACTIVE GUYS BESIDE ME. *insert happy perverted face here*

However, I couldn't get close to Ezra at all. It's almost as if the world is preventing me from interacting with him since I was never part of his route. When I wanted to talk to him, a bunch of girls will gather around him. If I catch him alone, he'll all of a sudden run away or a teacher would call him.

HOW ANNOYING.. All I could do is admire the said male from afar. Kane also became even more talkative and clingier than before.

He kept pulling me wherever he went, he even asked me to accompany him into the bathroom. Obviously I rejec- HA HOW COULD I?

"Credence? Are you there?"

"..Yes" I lean against the wall while fantasising a really perverted scene.

"I'm almost done, give me a minute" Kane was in the bathroom stall, settling his own business.

The door to the bathroom opened revealing Ezra.

He stared at my face for a good minute before pointing towards his own nose.

"You're bleeding here"

"Ah" Was all I could say before I scrambled towards the sink.

And that was our first interaction.


We were on the rooftop again, Kane eating away his melon breads while sipping on banana milk.

"Credence, aren't you eating?"

"..I'm not hungry" Our first ever interaction.. Ezra saw my perverted expression and also pointed out that I have a nosebleed! HOW COULD I FACE HIM AFTER THAT?!

I had my legs to my chest while I rested my head on them.

"You should eat"

"Not hungry"



"Eat or I'll tell Cohen and your butler" That was the first time Kane had ever acknowledged Cohen by saying his first name, Pierce once picked me and Cohen up from school because our regular personal driver was busy driving our useless parents around. Pierce thanked Kane and said something to him in a whisper, I couldn't hear it but after they spoke both of them raised a thumbs up towards eachother. That's not good.

"..Fine" I know how Pierce will react, he sometimes worry way too much like the other day, me and Cohen decided to stop by a cafe and came home late. Pierce was standing by the door looking angry, we both got shortly scolded. It was really ear deafening-


I teared the wrapper before being interrupted by none other than Ezra himself. EH?!

"What are you doing here? Can't you see this place is occupied?" Kane grumbles, angry that someone interrupted them.

"I'm not talking to you, pineapple head"

"HAH?! What did you say?!" Kane gets up, throwing his half-eaten melon bread to me.

"Why do I have to repeat myself? Do you have hearing problems?"


Ezra cuts him off sharply, "Credence, can we talk?"

"S-Sure" I put everything down, brushing off the dust and walked towards Ezra~ He even said my name~

"Credence!" Kane looks at me like I backstabbed him or something with teary puppy dog eyes.

"I'll see you in class!" I smiled at him before following Ezra.

[M/N]-san that's so mean! Leaving Kane alone! Why are you obsessed with Ezra anyways?!

[M/N]: UM EXCUSE ME FOR HAVING A TYPE! If you played "Make Me Doki-Doki: Capture Their Heart" you would understand, Ezra aaah~
( ' ▽ ' )

This perverted masochistic guy is hopeless!

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