Chapter 1

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Some parts of this story may be triggering for some, hopefully it isn't too bad but I wanted to warn you just in case. Thanks so much for reading my book 🙂


"What do you think you're doing?"  I could feel his anger radiating from the tone of his voice. My heart began to sink as the guilt weighs on me. I should have asked him first.

"I needed to call my dad, I don't want him to start worrying," My voice trembles and fear runs through me. I try to convince myself that I'm not afraid by being honest. I immediately regret that choice when I lock eyes with him. His cold, heartless, eyes. 

"Your dad doesn't care about you!" He grabs a fistful of hair and forces my face close to his. His putrid breath making me nauseous

"He's been calling me everyday for the last week, he's worried because I didn't go to Mi-" I whisper trying to convince him but I stop speaking when I see the anger flash in eyes at the mention of her. I look down at the floor and his grasp of my hair tightens.

"-I didn't go to her funeral." He chuckles making me cringe. He prides on my fear, the way I flinch. 

"And why didn't you go?" He's toying with me, he already knows. 

"I was-" I pause, scared of his anger.

"Continue," His patience is wearing thin and I prepare myself because I know all to well how is aggression towards me will end up. 

"I was too covered in bruises, I couldn't hide them." He laughs and yanks on my hair, forcing my attention on him. As if I would ever let myself relax. 

"So now, your sweet ever so caring dad is worried. Huh? That's what you think. He cares as much about you as I do." He takes his finger and runs it down the side of my face, purposely disgusting me. 

"He cares about me." I mumble softly, just trying to keep myself from loosing touch with reality. 

        Tears run down my face at the loss of my cousin, my best friend. He releases my hair and shoves me, making me loose my balance. I stumble slightly. 

"At least now you wont embarrass me. Running off to watch underground fights,"

"Riccardo please, you've done enough-" His fist connects with the side of my face and the pain knocks any peaceful thoughts out of my mind. Fear runs so far through me that it feels like jolts of electricity have found a way into my bloodstream and not in a good way. Shock and panic cause me to freeze up. I do the only thing I know how to do, I let my mind wander to better days to escape reality.

       The days when Mia and I were reckless, watching the underground fights. We both always found it hard to sleep after, like going to bed after watching a horror movie. We used to come home and watch romance movies. Snacking on ice cream and popcorn as we dreamed of wedding dresses and true love, the kind that isn't possible for girls like us. The worlds we grew up in don't let us choose who we marry. Her kind smile and heartwarming laugh fill my vision, calming my petrified state. All too quickly her smile fades and I remember her lifeless eyes. How she pleaded for my help, help I couldn't give her. I was so, so helpless the night he took her life. Anger replaces my petrified state. 

"Why did you do it? Why did you kill her?" I forgot myself, forgot that I still must watch what I say, despite how I feel. 

I was knocked back to reality by a slap across the face, one that left blood trickling down my cheek.

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