The Other Side

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"So the next universe issssss...... Oh shit"
Mariel covered Eri's ears when she cursed.

"Is it a good kind of oh shit or a bad kind" Shinso asked.

"No cursing!" Iida scolded the two for saying bad words while waving his arms in a robotic way. Shinso didnt apologize but "Sorry!" Mariel apologized and answered Shinso's question. "I guess this is a bad kind of curse from me. Well its about a hero being persuaded to join the League of Villains."

"WHAT!" The heroes, students, and some bystanders exclaimed.

"HAHAHAH Its seems that 1A has a traitor with them" Monoma laughs but was karate chopped by Kendo. "Apologies for him, there's just a big hole where his heart was suppose to be."

"Actually Monoma." Everyone's attention  went back to Mariel including the boy that was called. "Its a pro-hero that was persuaded. Actually he's part of the top 10 heroes."

"WHAT!" Now the villains joined the screaming. "Who is the hero cause im going to knock some sense into him?" Mirko asked. "Its best if you all would just see." Mariel replied

"Heroes are weak! Ahahhahahah!" Shigiraki laughed while the other villains chuckled evilly.

An instrument suddenly played and Dabi was seen sitting on the bar with a drink.

"So I'm the one persuading the hero..... Through a song?" Dabi asked and sweat dropped. "Yep, actually this song is one of my favorites." Mariel ate more popcorn. 

Right here, right now
I put the offer out
I don't want to chase you down
I know you see it

Dabi started singing and the camera pans to the side of his face while the said man is looking at it making it look like he's looking at the audience.

The audience leaned forward to see who this hero is. "You have a good singing voice Dabi" Toga said leaning to him.

The camera turns then Hawk is seen.

"THE NUMBER THREE HERO, HAWK?!" The audience then looks to said hero while he just tilts his head. "WHATS THE MEANING OF THIS PUNK?" Mirko grabbed his shirt and making him look at the Rabbit Hero. "I dont know?! This is another universe. And Mariel didn't say that my counterpart joined them" Hawk pointed out while raising his arms up in surrender.

"Im trying to persuade the number 3 hero.... How am I suppose to do that?!" Dabi asked throwing his arms up. "And the kid didnt say that i succeeded, so I could possibly fail!" And now he's sitting down and slumped down.

You run with me
And I can cut you free

Dabi pointed to Hawk then to himself and then threw his arms around the hero's shoulders.

"There's one thing I'm curious about, why do you have so many fangirls?" Mariel asked while looking at Hawk up and down. "Your handsome for sure but that's it." The girl sat back down, thinking to herself. "Eh?" Hawk felt he was struck by an arrow. 'I'm more than handsome' He thought while pouting.

Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in

Dabi extended his other arm out making it glide the air, he then remove himself from Hawk and stood up walking away.

Hawk placed down his glass cup and followed the villain with a curious look.

"Why is he even following him!?" Some asked out.
"Shouldn't Hawk arrest Dabi?" Shoto asked. "Maybe Hawk is curious on what Dabi would say, so maybe thats why he stayed." Mariel shrugged eyes fixed to the screen.

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