Family Relations

686 33 4

Margarethe Grimaldi

Competition was something I did'nt have growing up, so the mirror my mother gave me was a good motivation, competing against ones self is good.

Still competition against me, myself, and I was very tough! Not anyone can do it so my dear sister is better off with her friend

"Freya to be one that uphold the Grimaldi name you must be able to remain thou composure in any situation. We are visiting thou friend Criselda, again. Learn to compose thyself."

"Eehhh??? She's not my friend I hate her!!!"

I sharply glancing towards her made her silent.

"Even if you hate her wgat was my teaching about? Are my words for naught?"

"No, sister."

"When we arrive remember your conduct."

"Yes, Sister."

The carriage ride was needless to say noisy, my dear sister really is a chatterbox unlike our past life.

"Welcome Lady Grimaldi, Criselda greets you."

"Good manners, since I was sent to teach you for your etiquette lessons you have improved quite a lot, today I brought my little sister again for the both of you to practice together."

Criselda about to speak up was blocked by young master Chris.

"Thank you for coming, since the children have long last seen each other shall we take a walk while they catch up with each other, Lady Greta?"

My eyebrows slightly slanting upwards on its own was stopped by me on time, that would have been rude towards the 'young master' of Liechen family. Covering and fanning myself to hide my slight displeasure, I followed his lead towards the garden.

"What is it this time, Chris?"

Smiling he offered me to sit,

"I wanted to thank you for warning me against the East Branch the first time we met. I always wanted to thank you but the timing was always bad."

"There is no need for such formalities for a favor a long time ago, thou should have known for an outsider to know of your family's situation is impossible. It was just a conjecture."

"That long time ago would have cost me my whole family you know. For someone to make a guess with such confidence, that could only be made by the White Flower of Grimaldi family."

"White flower?"

"Have you not heard? You were titled the White Flower of the Grimaldi family for your noble prowess and knowledge."

"Such a title is befitting of me."

He, not anymore starled, smiled,

"I heard you were quite the humble White Flower but it seems you show not the mask in front of me."

"Wipe thine grin off thy face, you just piss me off for targetting my sister."

"So you did protect your sister, why hide it with your narssisistic behaviour?"

"Silence, you even dare make this case about me, don't do that again."

"Okay okay, but really it wasn't us that was targetting Criselda, Criselda is the fiancee of the Crown Prince so why would we dare scratch the crown Prince's fiancee?"

Looking at me I knew he was sincere. Such complicated mind games and plans, schemes and ploys I knew exactly what this was... politics.

"Fine, I shall believe you for now. Protect your sister very well, or she might as well break tge engagement and hightail towards the mountains."

Sheepishly smiling towards me he waved the maids to come for refreshments.

"So have you decided on your fiancee yet Lady Margarethe?"

Glaring at him while sipping on my tea, this 15 year old body of mine was quite nearing my prime of highest of the high of high nobilities top tier body.

"Have you noticed that there were quite a lot of invitation for you to teach etiquette since you turned 15?"

"Of course, my excellent teaching is wanted by many. What of it?"

"Most of them are just looking for you to be interested in their sons as your prospect fiancee."

"What a joke, this White flower of the Grimaldi is one to be paired up with a nobody."

"*pfft* Really you are too much no matter how many times we talk they say yoi are so proper and some say its too intinidating to talk to you but you are so funny in reality."

Glaring at him one more time my body involuntarily stepped on his foot, fanning myself with my fan I stood up to leave.

"Insolence towards such beauty is not to be tolerated. Adieu"

"Hey wait!"

"Leave me alone to teach the kids, please sir Liechen."

"Greta, the kids can wait!"

Glaring at him once more I turned my heel to leave,

"It's been so long since I had someone to chat with so carefreely, Edward is still busy with his Crown Prince duties."

"Looking at me like a puppy will not work."

"Aw come on!"

Fanning myself I resigned to my fate as his companion was this idiot really the man I thought to be an alpha male? My keen judgement must have been blinded by my young age back then.

The kingdom had 4 families that equal the royal family, the Liechen family that holds the military power; the Grimaldi familythat are known to be wise and has owned a counselor for the royal family, prime minister highly regarded for their wisdom; the Volvola family known for their prowess and lineage of bearing powerful head mage; and last the Nowerst Family a family from the north was not of noble blood but native to the north but rose to be a noble by being mercenaries and merchant.

These 4 families didnt usually interact or ally together.

The Liechen family rarely attends meetings and just focus on the battlefield and directly report to the king. They govern and reside in Niflheim the Southern Seas and lands of the kingdom Asteria.

The Grimaldi family conscious of their noble blood are very prideful and would never take the initiative to humble themselves and make peace with the family that they have had a falling put with (Liechen Family and Nowerst family). They govern and reside in Anatoli, the Eastern Seas and Land of the kingdom Astersia.

The Volvola Family is a very seclusive family living in the mountains especially with their powers they rarely make contact with the outside world unless it's the people that has position such as head Mage. They govern and reside in Dinas Affaraon, the Western lands of the kingdom Asteria.

The Nowerst family are barbaric and hotblooded, rather than make peace they would rather snub spmeone with high nose(Grimaldi Family) they became less barbaric after entering the nobility and became more civil after becoming acknowledged as equal to the royal family. They govern and reside in Biarma Borea, the Northern Seas and lands of the kingdom Asteria.

I was the Passive Narsississtic Sister of the Villain(Under Construction!)Where stories live. Discover now