¤ ~ New Beginning ~ ¤

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This is to thank you all for 1K+ reads and 200+ votes on the story❤

"Brandon you ready? They'll be here any minute!!" I shouted from the dining room of our apartment while laying the table nicely.

"Why do I have to wear a formal attire when it's just our friends?" A whining Brandon entered the room, struggling to fix his collar neatly. I chuckled and went over to help.

"Because hubby, this is the first time for us to gather after our wedding." I explained while fixing his collar.

"I never understood your philosophy anyway." He rolled his eyes. "You look beautiful in red by the way." He pointed to the knee length scarlet colored dress I was wearing.

"Thanks. You don't look so bad wearing a formal suit." I stated knowing that it would just annoy him. I knew how much he hated wearing suits. Brandon rolled his eyes and went to the front door to open it upon hearing the doorbell ring.

"Hey Kar- Eww!! Get outta my way man! I gotta see my girl." Zayn's voice echoed through the walls and soon he appeared in the dining room with a box of gift in his hand. "You look gorgeous Kara!" He came closer to embrace me in a tight hug.

"Thanks for coming." I pulled apart and smiled.

"Anything for my girl."

"Would you please stop talking to her like that while I'm here?" Brandon groaned, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring.

"And why would I listen to you?" Zayn asked in a challenging voice, giving me a side hug to make Brandon even more jealous. I giggled watching the frenemity between the two boys.

"Because she's my wife you dumbass. I don't know why I ever asked you to be my best man." Brandon rolled his eyes in frustration.

*Ding dong*

"Oh that must be Heidi. I'll get that." I excused myself from the chance I got and opened the front door to my work buddy.

"Congratulations Kara!! I'm so happy!! I couldn't talk to you properly in the wedding so I'm glad we get to talk like this!" She exclaimed while hugging me and handed over a gift she bought.

"Glad you could make it." I let her in and closed the door.

"No problem. Where's your husband?" She wriggled her eyebrows with a smug look on her face. I facepalmed myself knowing what she's thinking.

Oh Heidi!

"Well he and Zayn were about to kill each other in the dining room." I sighed.

"Ooooh a love triangle I see." Heidi giggled, making me roll my eyes.

"Let's go. I gotta introduce you to Zayn."

I dragged Heidi by her arm, into the dining room where Zayn and Brandon were having a death glare contest.

"Guys?" I cleared my throat to get the attention of the men.

"Tell him to keep some distance with you!" Brandon pointed at Zayn and told me.

"Why would I keep my distance with her when we're just friends?!" Zayn shouted back.

"Friends don't call the other as 'my girl'!" Brandon screamed at Zayn.

"I pity you Kara. You've got a handful in the house." Heidi patted my back with sympathy while I pinched my nose bridge with my eyes closed.

These guys are nothing less than a couple of preschoolers!

"Stop it both of you!! You guys are acting like little kids!" I said which silenced Brandon and Zayn.

"But he's the one who star-" Brandon started but I shot him a glare and he shut up. "Yes ma'am."

"Sorry Kara." Zayn apologized which made my heart melt.

"It's okay Zayn but try to use your brain once in a while. It'll feel nice." I smirked before turning to face Heidi who was gawking at Zayn.

"Heidi? You okay?" I snapped my fingers in front of her eyes and she came back to reality, clearing her throat awkwardly.

"Uh yeah yeah I'm okay." She smiled at me, glancing at Zayn.

"Heidi, this is Zayn and Zayn, meet Heidi. She works at the same broadcasting company as me." I introduced them to one another.

"Hello! Glad to see ya!" Zayn extended his hand towards Heidi to shake which she took shyly.

Oh I see what's happening here...

I smirked to myself as I comprehended the situation. I faced Brandon and he had understood too. We shared meaningful looks before I announced dinner.

The meal was really amusing. Getting together with friends always is. It was so fun to watch Heidi sneaking up on Zayn every now and then during dinner. Zayn on the other hand, kept his cool and chatted with everyone about random things.

After dinner, Heidi wanted to talk to me privately. I didn't know what it was about but I had some guesses in my mind.

"Spill." I said after Heidi locked door of my room that we were in.

"Is he single?"

Called it!

I covered up a laugh with my hand before answering. "Why do you wanna know that?" I teased.

"Just... it's called curiosity!!" Heidi whisper shouted at me not knowing the betrayal of her red cheeks.

"Well that's his personal thing. I don't want to reveal those without a reason." I stated importantly before grabbing the doorknob to go out.

"Okay fine!! I think I may have fallen for him." She mumbled shyly, her gaze falling down to her fidgeting fingers.

"Love at first sight huh?"

"Stop with the teasing and answer the question will you!" Heidi whisper shouted again.

"Okay okay. Yes he's single. You might wanna ask him out soon 'cause he's really popular among girls." I replied.

"How can he not be! I mean like he-" Heidi was about to drool over Zayn but Brandon's voice interrupted.

"Are you girls planning a murder or what?" He knocked softly on the door and I opened.

"Nah we were just talking about Hei-"

"NOTHING!! We were talking about nothing!" Heidi cut me off, screaming. "I better go now Kara. I've loads of work at home."

"That's what wanted to tell. Zayn is leaving too." Brandon turned to me. I nodded and we three went back to the living room where Zayn was looking around the apartment.

"I have to go now Kara. Practice from early morning." Zayn smiled at me fondly.

"Thanks for coming. I hope we can meet again soon."

I hugged him tightly before doing the same with Heidi. Me and Brandon walked them to the door and just when they were about to leave, Zayn came back to me and tugged on me arm, signalling me to come with him inside for a private talk. Brandon and Heidi stood at the door looking confused while I followed Zayn into the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Is she single?"

The worst ending of the century I know but I'm too lazy to write the rest😂 I've dropped the hint so I guess the rest is not needed anyways😌

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