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When the sun started to set I started to think. Where was I supposed to sleep? The only thing I had seen on the island were plants, trees and sand.. I hadn't seen Dana anymore so I couldn't ask her. The only humans that crossed my path were men and Jungkook clearly told me not to talk to other men. I just went to sit on the beach hoping he'd return.

But he didn't.

The sun was completely gone and the only light there was left was the moonlight. It was cold and my shirt and jeans weren't enough to keep me warm. I was shaking from the cold wind against my skin. I just tried to lay down and closed my eyes but immediately opened them when I heard his voice.
"You shouldn't stay this close to the ocean. You don't know it but there are many male sirens right there.." Jungkook said after walking towards me while pointing towards the dark ocean. "...That are lurking at you." He finished his sentence. I looked towards the ocean. I couldn't see anything. The ocean was black and so was the sky.
"Looking at you like you're prey. You're lucky I was there in time. Jimin looked like he was about to take you."

"I had no idea.. I was just waiting here for you hoping you'd return because I'm cold and tired but I don't know where to sleep." I responded.
He sighed. "We're gonna fix that problem tomorrow okay? Here. Just lay on my chest for tonight." He said to me. I hesitated for awhile but as soon as I felt the cold wind against my skin again I knew that it was my only option if I actually wanted to catch some sleep. I went to lay down and he wrapped his warm arms around me. I immediately felt much warmer and comfortable. "Thank you." I whispered, but he already fell asleep.

Just to be clear: yes, whenever Jungkook gets legs he is wearing clothes.

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