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"Maybe we should hide a camera in your locker," Jade suggested.

"No. I don't want to catch him off guard."

"But don't you wanna see who he is?" Jade asked.

Rose shrugged. "I do but there's obviously a reason why he won't show himself. If he wants me to see him he will do it in his own time, when he's ready. I don't want to push him. If we put a camera in my locker it'll be like me breaking his trust or something."

"You really like this guy," Jade smirked.


"Don't even try to deny it. You, Rose I don't know your middle name Greene, are in love." Rose blushed deep red. It was true and she couldn't deny it. She definitely had feelings for Drew. And even though she told Jade that she was willing wait, she really wanted to meet him and tell him how she felt.

"That's it!" Jade suddenly exclaimed. Her wild dark curls bouncing as she vigorously nodded her head.

"What is it?" Rose raised one brow at her.

"I know how we can get him," she said brushing her misbehaving curls away from her face.

"And..." Rose urged her to continue.

"Well..." she started pacing. "We know that Drew is too shy to show himself and that's why he prefers to stay anonymous. He is probably scared that you don't like him that way or something. He is scared of rejection."

"And..." Rose raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"The only way he'll show himself is if he knows that you have feelings for him."

"And how is he going to find out that I like him? I don't exactly have contact with him."

"Then you'll leave him a letter in your locker. He'll find it the next time he comes over and he'll finally know how you feel. And if all goes according to plan he'll show himself."

"What? No, no. I can't do that. I mean, I don't even know if he likes me like that at all."

"Honey, the guy leaves you a gift everyday. I'm pretty sure he isn't looking for a totally platonic relationship."

Rose sighed and rubbed her eyes in frustration.

Jade ripped a page from her diary and handed it to Rose. "Here. Take this and pour your heart out." Rose bit her lip and with shaking hands she picked up the pen and started writing.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Out of a million boys
I choose you
Take my hand
And hold me close
Show me that you love me the most

Violet RosesWhere stories live. Discover now