Chapter 1

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The Things We Hide

And so,

I have put away

the photographs,

every trace of you

I know.

The things that seem

to matter less,

are the ones

we put on show.

- Lang Leav

- Lang Leav

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8 years later

Mew made his way into the mall with his eyes on the phone replying to texts from his annoying friends who urged him to arrive faster. Yeah, he's already damn late for lunch with his friends. It has been a long time since they could spend their time together - it was him who always turned down their offer to hang out.

He has been so caught up with his job that he could not find time for himself or sometimes he just was not in the mood to meet anyone. He rather chooses to stay home on the weekend but today is an exception. After hundreds of messages appeared on his notifications which were obviously from his friends, he finally gave up and agreed to meet them.

He was too engrossed replying to his friend on the phone that he couldn't see two kids were getting in his way. It happened so fast and the next thing he knew, his poor phone was already lying on the floor and the two kids fell onto the floor.


Mew went to the kids to check if there was any injury on them because if yes, he would be so fucked up. Dealing with the parents would be hell.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry. I didn't see both of you," Mew asked while getting the kids back on their feet.


The kids couldn't finish when someone yelled, exhaling in relief.

"Liam! Lily! Where have you been? I've told both of you to stay there. Why can't you listen to me once? What should I do to make both of you listen to me?" Gulf said in one breath. Only God knows how scared and worried he was the moment he realized the twins were not walking behind him.

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