Chapter Three

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"Huh. S-So this is class 1A?" I said as an explosion from inside followed after. Oliver gave me a sympathetic nod and showed me his phone.

"Eraserhead is in charge of this class. I'm not sure where he is, but knowing him he's probably somewhere in the area sleeping." I gave a cautious glance toward the door, trying to decide whether or not I should go in. I reached a hand towards the door knob, but before it could make contact, a deep gruff voice stopped me.

"I wouldn't do that if it were you." I looked to my side and saw who I thought was Eraserhead, but in a yellow sleeping bag? "Let me go in first, then I'll come get you once I get the class to calm down." He said in an obvious annoyed voice.

"Alright..." Eraserhead went into the chaotic room, and not too long after screams of terror were heard. I winced at the sound and looked at Oliver who's eyes were wide in fear.

"I should probably go... Goodluck!" He said as he made a quick escape.

"Wait! Don't go... and he's gone."

A couple of minutes passed before Eraserhead opened the door, looking even more tired than he did before. "You can come in now Mr. Universe, and call me Mr. Aizawa." He said as he held the door open for me. I walked into the surprisingly quiet room and automatically felt the whole class's eyes on me. "Class, this is (Y/n) Universe. As of today she will be your fellow classmate. Any questions?" Right away almost everyone's hands shot up. "Great, no questions. (Y/n), do you have anything to say."


"Great. Your seat is over there next to the kid with a lightning bolt in his hair." I quickly made my way over to the empty seat next to the blonde. I sat my bag down on my desk and tried to calm myself down from all the excitement.

I finally get to go to school. I finally get to have my own desk. This is all just so exciting. "Hey, the name's Denki Kaminari. But you can call me Denki." the boy to my right said.

"Oh well it's nice to meet you Denki. You can call me (Y/n)!" Okay this great. I'm talking to another person. Maybe I'm not as socially awkward as I thought I would be.

"I don't usually like being shocked, but when I saw you enter the room I was almost knocked off my feet!" Denki said with a sly grin. I cringed at the awful pick up line. After he said all that I felt my awkwardness start to take over again.

"Dude, can you at least try to keep it in your pants." Said a boy with pointy red hair that sat directly behind Denki. "I'm sorry about him, but he's a cool guy once you get passed his fuck boy personality. My name is Eijiro Kirishima."

"Oh hello Kirishima," I said, still a bit shocked from what Denki said. "I'm (Y/n) Universe. You can call me (Y/n) though."

"Wait. Where have I heard the name Universe before?" Kirishima asked aloud.

"That name does sound very familiar..." Said a pink girl.
"UH it's a very common last name?" I said, I was a bit nervous.

"Not really ribbit. The only famous person who's somewhat related to that last name is Rose Quartz ribbit."

"Wait didn't Rose Quartz get married to a guy named Greg Universe?" Asked a boy with a tail.

"She did, and I think she had a baby that Rose gave up life for." Said a boy with green fluffy hair. Well he mumbled it as if though he was talking to himself.

"So, wouldn't that make you Rose Quartz's... daughter?" Said Kirishima. I was beginning to feel a bit light headed. I didn't want everyone finding out about me so quickly, especially on the first day of school. I just wanted to be a normal kid today. Maybe I should of told Mr. Aizawa introduced me as just (Y/n) and not (Y/n) Universe. 

I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I just wanted them all to stop, this wasn't how it was supposed to happen. Today wasn't supposed to be about mom, today was about me just being a normal kid at school.

"AHEM! WE SHOULD BE PAYING ATTENTION TO MR. AIZAWA INSTEAD OF HARASSING OUR NEW CLASSMATE!" Yelled a boy with glasses and neat navy blue hair. I looked back at him, my eyes a bit watery. He had a look in his eyes, not one of pity, but one of empathy. I think he could tell that I was uncomfortable.

"Thank you Iida. Now then can finally get back to teaching." Said Mr. Aizawa.


It was finally lunch time, and I couldn't be happier. Pretty much all my classmates had apologized to me, which I was grateful for. I was even invited to sit by some of them to sit by at lunch. I believe their names were Midoriya and Uraraka.

As I was waiting in line, I saw the navy blue haired kid off in the distance. I did a quick shuffle towards him and called out to him. "Um, Iida was it?"

"Ah yes, what do you need Ms. Universe?"

"Please, call me (Y/n). And I just wanted to say thank you about earlier. It may not seem like it, but you really did save me there and I appreciate it." I said, a small blush coating my cheeks.

"Well I saw a fellow student in need. And as class president, I couldn't just sit there and watch.

"Oh wow! I didn't know you were class president! That's really cool!"

"O-Oh... You think it's cool?"

"Of course I do. And you kinda give off that kind of vibe, if you know what I mean."

"I guess? Anyway, I was about to go sit down and eat. Would you like to join me?" I almost said yes, but I remembered the promise I made earlier.

"Oh Iida but I'm really sorry. I already told Midoriya and Uraraka I'd sit with them..." He laughed in response.

"Well then, I guess it's a good thing I sit at their table then!" He said while still laughing.

"Oh..." I said, I was feeling a bit derpy.

"Oh please don't feel bad. You had no way of knowing! C'mon, let's go eat. We those two thinking that we've ditched them!" Iida said with a smile.

"Yeah you're right. Let's go!"

We finally found Midoriya and Uraraka and went to the empty seats that they had for us.

"Oh you found Iida along the way!" Announced Uraraka.

"Yeah I did, and good thing I did! I bet I probably wouldn't have been able to find you guys!" I said with a giggle. I did a quick glance at Midoriya after I was done talking, but I had noticed that he looked like he was on the verge of exploding. "Um Midoriya, you okay?"

"GAH I'M SORRY TO SEEM RUDE BUT CAN I PLEASE KNOW WHAT YOUR QUIRK IS?" He said with a yell, attracting a few stares from others. Uraraka spat out some food and began to start hysterically laughing at the now beet red Midoriya.

"HA! Sorry (Y/n), don't mind him. He's a bit of a nerd when it comes to quirks. He's been dying to ask you what your quirk was since the moment you stepped a foot in class.

I felt flattered that he wanted to know about that kind of information about me. "Well Midoriya, it's your lucky day. Because I actually have two quirks." I said cheerfully while throwing up a peace sign to indicate the number two.


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