♡Broken Hearts♡

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Broken Hearts
↳ angst
≫JJ Imagine

Broken Hearts↳ angst≫JJ Imagine

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It was a typical rainy summer day in The Banks. The sun wasn't shining very brightly and clouds scattered across the sky. The wind put a blanket of humidity throughout the town and I felt sticky.

I was walking towards The Wreck for my job, hands in my pockets searching for any familiar faces to keep me company. But there were none.

The rain wasn't pouring, but I had a feeling that it would start to get heavier any moment now. I hopped inside The Wreck and was greeted by Mr. Carrera, Kie's dad and owner of the place.

"Morning Mr. Carrera," I smile as I greet him with a wave.

He smiles back. "Good morning (Y/N)," he states. He looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. "Did you not bring an umbrella?"

I shrug and walk into the kitchen to grab my apron. "I don't have one. Besides, I love the rain."

Something about the rain makes me feel calm, whether it's the soft pattering sound it makes as it hits the ground or the lighting that flashes across the sky during thunderstorms. Pretty odd, but the rain reminds me that anything can happen at any given moment. And it's also unpredictable, just when it seems like it'll be a little drizzle, it has the possibility of turning into a huge thunderstorm.

"Hey (N/N)," Kie smiles as she comes into the kitchen.

"Hiya Kie," I wave. I fix my hair and turn to her. "Did the boys make any plans for today after I left last night?"

I had to leave yesterday because I promised my mom I would take care of my little sister because my mom was out of town. She doesn't really trust her alone with my dad because he likes taking trips around the cut rather than staying at home with us. I don't mind, though. My little sister is my best friend. 

She shook her head. "No clue, I left soon after you did. You know my dad doesn't like me hanging out with the other Pogues."

I chuckle at her statement. "They do have a tendency to get us in a lot of trouble, but it's what makes our lives and friendship interesting."

As more and more people flood in, I stay behind the sink washing any dishes that Kie drops off.

Today was oddly packed for a rainy day, but you know us Outer Bankers, if hurricanes don't scare us, then how is a little bit of rain going to? We're very resilient that way. Because even though a hurricane could destroy the cut, we Pogues always bounce back, even if it takes all summer to repair the damages done.

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