Chapter 57- A New Dawn

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"I am beside myself with excitement!"

Junmyeon's eyes flew open at his brother's sudden exclamation.

"Apologies, Brother," Jongin said when he noticed Jumnyeon stirring from his seat. "Did I wake you?"

"It is all right," he answered, his utterance ending in a yawn. He blinked away the tears that formed. "What are you excited about?"

"The royal wedding, of course. There are only five days left and it will be my first time attending a banquet let alone a royal one. It is the biggest event since Brother Minseok's wedding."

Junmyeon sat upright as he smoothed the creases on his robes. Having recently returned from meeting with the Waekugin, Junmyeon had visited Jongin before being lulled to slumber by his brother's melodic guzheng. Bleary-eyed, he blinked at Jongin. Lately, the sickly Kim brother had been showing signs of improvement. With sunlight streaming through the windows, Junmyeon could see the colour returning to Jongin's countenance. He was growing stronger by the day and could now manage lengthier excursions away from his quarters. Junmyeon dared to hope that the worst of his illness had passed.

"Do you think the royal wedding will be as grand as Brother Minseok's?" Jongin asked.

"Of course."

The younger's eyes lit up with excitement. "What sort of entertainment will be present at the banquet? I heard from Taehyung that there were all sorts at Brother Minseok's wedding." Jongin's expression grew rueful as he added, "It is a shame I missed it."

"Well, you need not fret. The best entertainers around the kingdom will be in attendance again."

Jongin's tone was hopeful. "Even dancers?"

Junmyeon nodded, his mouth curving into a slight smile. Recently, Jongin had taken a keen interest in dance. "Even dancers," he confirmed.

The younger's cheerfulness returned.

"I trust that you will behave yourself during the banquet. I will most likely be occupied with attending to the Waekugin, so I will not be able to chaperone you—"

"The Waekugin are attending?"

Junmyeon watched as Jongin suddenly leaned over his guzheng, his eyebrows arched in surprise and his mouth agape. He nodded. "They are His Majesty's guests."

"But is it not unconventional for foreigners outside our allied circle to attend an intimate affair?"

"The Waekugin are in Saim for diplomatic reasons," Junmyeon explained, "and so represent their king. As you already know, the alliance between Saim and New Britannia is still in progress. It is hoped that extending an invitation will curry favour with the ambassadors."

"But will it really help?"

"Only time will tell."

Jongin peered at his guzheng, his brows furrowed. "Surely, in an event as important as this, their king will attend personally."

"I would imagine so," Junmyeon murmured, "however, with travel to Saim from New Britannia being long and arduous, it is simply not possible. An invitation was sent to their king many weeks ago on the matter, but I speculate it did not arrive on time."

"It just seems wrong. From what you have mentioned in the past up until now, it is as though Saim is constantly trying to appease the Waekugin."

"How so?"

"If King Hiram is truly serious in building a relationship with Saim, should he not make the effort to attend the ceremony?"

"Yes, but—"

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