Chapter 37

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I know I already gave the update for today but the last chap was kinda short and this one is also kinda short so I'm just making the executive decision to just post both of them as one update. ur welcome.

I continue to walk down the vaguely familiar path, and soon enough, I see a wolf I recognize from seeing around the pack house. Oliver, I think I remember his name being.

He squints, as if he can't believe what he's seeing. "Onyx, is that you?" He calls out, rushing towards me.

Nodding, I stand still as he approaches, scanning my body for any wounds. "Are you injured?" Oliver asks frantically, his eyes dark.

I shake my head, and he exhales in relief. "Thank the Goddess for that. I mindlinked Thane and told him I found you, he's going to meet us at the infirmary, he wants you checked out immediately."

"I said I'm fine," I lash out, for some reason angry.
Oliver looks taken aback. "I know, Luna. It's just a precaution."

"Sorry," I mutter, and he guides us towards the infirmary. I don't know what's gotten into me.
We approach the building, where I can see Thane pacing anxiously, running a hand through his thick hair. When he sees us, he rushes up to me and throws his arms around me.

"Onyx," He chokes out, his voice full of emotion. "You're here, you're safe."

He sniffs my neck, my hair, and pulls away, his eyes scanning me for wounds, just as Oliver had done, a primal urge to check the Luna for injuries.

"Your hand," He grabs my hand gently. "It's wrapped, what happened?"

I gulp. "I don't remember."

"You don't remember anything at all?" He asks in surprise.

"No," I whisper.

"It's the same bastard from last time, isn't it?" Thane snarls angrily, though I know it's not anger towards me.

His eyes darken, and I can see his body shaking. "Let's go get you checked out," He mutters, his voice gravelly. He picks me up, cradling me gently in his arms, carrying me into the building.

We go to a sterilized room, where a healer is waiting. Thane places me on the corner of the bed, stepping away as the healer comes closer.

"Hi, Onyx," He says, his tone light and gentle, like he doesn't want to scare me. "My name is Dale, I'm just going to do a few tests and make sure you're healthy, would that be alright?"

I nod, feeling hollow, and he gives me an encouraging smile. Thane watches with sharp eyes, his arms folded over his chest, his face unreadable.

The healer unwraps my hand, exposing the cut I received from the glass, which was nearly healed over by now. He used an alcohol pad to clean it, redressing it when it dried. "I don't think the hand wound will be an issue, it should heal over completely within the next few days. Doesn't look like it was done with silver or wolfsbane, so it shouldn't scar either," He smiled, and I nodded.

He took a vial of blood to test, and excused himself from the room.

"How are you feeling?" Thane asks, and grabs my hand. The same hand I used to comfort Finn.

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