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Maya's pov:
I had just finished another execution of a vampire. He had the gift to weaken bonds and he used it to split up mated couples. I made sure he was suffering for that! A bond between mates should never be toyed with! How often did I wish for a mate, someone to care for me and love me. But till now I hadn't any luck in finding my other half and that even though I was looking for them for nearly 1000 years! It gets frustrating at times and my loneliness also gets more and more. That is why vampires like that lowlife anger me even more! We all only want our other half in our lives. And this idiot did everything to split up mates that were fortunate enough to find each other! The law was written clearly that no one is to interfere with bonded mates! So he should of seen it coming that he would pay with his life for doing it anyways. Hearing some guards from the volturi coming closer, I quickly make myself invisible. With a wide smirk on my lips, I watch them inspecting the small fire where the now dead vampire is burning into ashes.
„We missed her again!" one of them growls out in frustration. Demetri is his name, he has tried so often to look for my scent but there never is any to be found. I do have to say I have some sort of appreciation for him and his determination. Not that I would ever tell anyone! Or that he will ever find me if I don't want him to. Still he is just as passionate of his work as I am with mine. Some times Jane and Alec also accompanied him. The first time I saw them, I really had to hold myself back from squealing at how cute they are. They look not older than fourteen years old, and if i could, i definitely would adopt them right away. But since we are on two opposite sides this won't ever happen. Sadly!
„Looks like it. Only by a few seconds thought." Felix answers Demetri who still looks pretty pissed off.
„Let's get back to Italy to inform the masters!" Demetri growls and went back to where they have just arrived from, Felix right behind him. Finally I could giggle again in happiness, since they once again missed me watching them. I decided to walk back to my small cottage not far away from here. That was the plan till my phone suddenly began to ring. Since only one person has my number, I didn't needed to look who it might be.
„Carlisle my friend! How are you?" I ask him right after picking up. His heavy sigh makes me stiffen up a bit. Carlisle never sighs! Only if something is going really bad!!
„Maya it's nice to hear your voice again, but I am afraid I am calling because I need your help." he says. I already know that he has to be in deep trouble to call me for help, he also sounds absolutely unsure if he even should ask me for help or not.
„How can I help Carlisle?" I ask him. Trying to stay calm and not jump to conclusions right away.
„Bella, Edwards's mate. Well, I don't know how I should describe you without sounding completely crazy." he starts before he seems to try to talk himself out of telling me.
„The human one? Correct?" I ask, hoping he will just tell me so I can help him to my best ability. Carlisle is my friend, my only friend!
„Exactly. Well, you see those two got intimate and she has now given birth to a mixed breed." he softly says and I know him long enough that he firstly isn't joking and secondly is afraid I wouldn't believe him.
„I heard of some mixed breeds already, even met some. Also dealt with a vampire who made them just to abound them. The woman's all died because the birth was to hard on their body's." I inform him softly. I don't know if Edward was able to safe his mate by turning her into a vampire or if he lost his mate.
„You..you knew that this is possible?! From where did you know? I never in my wildest believes would of thought this is a possibility!?" he asked me shocked but also relieved that I was believing him right away.
„Of course I knew that this was a possibility. I hope you were able to safe Bella by turning her!" I say. I can hear another voice talking behind Carlisle's, maybe Edward? Or one of his other adopted sons?
„We were able to turn her, but we were really close of losing her." he answers my earlier question. Nodding softly towards myself. This must of been really hard on all of them. I once tried to safe one of the mothers as well, but I had no luck in doing so. A few seconds quicker might have saved her, but I was to late.
„So what is your guys problem than? Did the volturi hear and think you changed a child?" I ask putting two and two together. This would be the only logical explanation on why he would need my help.
„irina Denali saw renesmee, and thought that we did. That's why she ran strait towards Volterra to inform the volturis. We now are trying to get enough witnesses around that we may at least be allowed to explain the situation properly." he tells me with another sigh. How dare she do that!? The Denali's and Cullans were close friends! Why didn't she stay to ask before running off!?
„Let me guess, she always had a crush on Edward, your son and since he didn't take her as mate, she was angry. Or is there another reason she wouldn't talk to you before running to the volturis?" I tell him my suspicion. Hearing his chuckle makes me smile slightly, knowing I was right with my assumption. Also feeling much better to make him chuckle in such a tuff time for him as well as his family.
„Anyway, you are still living in Forks?" I ask, putting my last item into my suitcase that I was packing since he told me he needed my help. What!? I would of helped him regardless of the situation. Carlisle is the only true friend that I have! Well, him and Alice. Those two are the only ones that know what I am and what I am capable off. Carlisle was the one who has learned me a lot and also always was there for me.
„Yeah, still living in Forks. Does that mean you are coming?" he asks and I can hear his smile through the phone.
„Of course I am. See you in a bit!" I say and hang up my phone. I look once again over the small cottage before putting a spell on it so no one will be able to find it. Than i close my eyes and teleport myself to Forks.

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