18 - Clouds Look Like Farts

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Since school had just finished and both our mums wouldn't be home for another hour, we agreed to go to John's house to chill and catch up.

We walked towards the parking lot together, making idle conversation until we stopped at his motorcycle. I froze at the sight of it, and he tossed a helmet at me which bounced off my shoulder.

"Ouch, watch it!" I grumbled, rubbing my left shoulder. John shot me a small smirk.

"I know you're not the most athletic, but you could have easily caught that." He shrugged and I glared at him.

"As a matter of fact, I bet I could beat you at a race." I said smugly, puffing up my chest.

He slowly looked me over, from the top of my head to my cutesy toes. I didn't change my proud stance, watching him watch me. When he was done examining me, he looked back at my face and shook his head.

"Nah." John simply said, then prepared to put his helmet on. I tried a different approach.

"Since you're so sure you can beat me in a race, what's the harm in trying?" I said, walking closer to him. Then I leaned in and whispered:

"Unless you're to chicken to race me."

He laughed loudly, moving closer to his motorcycle. "That's not going to work on me-"

"Bwah-bwah! Cluck cluck!" I started making chicken noises, even flapping my arms and walking in a circle around him. He just started at me blankly.

I sighed, looking around and spotted three people walking out of the exit. I quickly ran over to them.

"Did you know that his surname," I pointed at John. "Is Kentucky!"

One of them shot me a confused look. "Kentucky, as in-"

"Kentucky fried chicken!" I exclaimed, loud enough for John to hear me. It was quiet for a moment before all four of us burst into laughter.

"So logically he's a chicken." I laughed, clutching my stomach. My laughter ceased when I saw John storming towards me.

"Has the chicken come to join us- oh bye guys?" I said confusedly when the three guys started walking away warily.

John came to stand I front of me, fists clenched and cheeks pink. I feigned a confused face.

"I didn't know chickens could blush!" Then that set me off again. Yeah, I knew my jokes were lame but I was just trying to rile him up.

"Fine! I'll race you." He huffed, and started dragging me back towards his motorcycle. I squealed in excitement.

"Awesome! I think we should race from here to your house." I proposed smoothly. John turned to look at me, like really look at me for a couple of seconds. I felt the smile on my face waver.

"So you went through all this, because you don't want to go on my motorcycle?" He deadpanned. I sighed, holding my hands up.

Drat, he caught my plan.

"Alright, you caught me. I don't mean to be so cliché but I'm seriously terrified of going on it." I admitted. John sighed and shot me a small smile.

"You know I wouldn't ever put you in danger, Clo." He said softly. "It's completely safe, trust me."

"Plus, it gives you an excuse to feel up my abs-"

"Oh, get over yourself! Come on, let's go." I snatched the helmet off the seat of his motorcycle and smoothly climbed on.

John chuckled and helped me put on my helmet, climbed on then started driving before I had a chance to hold onto him.

I quickly held onto his shoulders then when we were driving at a steady rate I moved to wrap my arms around his torso. He was right about his abs.

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