Chapter - 14

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Rachel's POV:

Royal London hospital, London.

Chief Of GS Department. (General Surgery)

"Mr Stewart, me and my team have already reviewed your daughter's medical history and planned the best procedure for treatment," I said to my patient's father. This is an important person, he is the chairman of HM Group.

"Can you assure me the surgery will be successful and there will not be additional risks or complications?" Asked Mr Stewart concerned for his daughter.

"Yes, there will not be additional risks and after surgery, a patient needs to go to physical therapy," I explained to him and needs to get his written consent for surgery. As the patient is not in the condition go give consent.

"Alright, when will the surgery be done." Ask Mr Stewart as he is ready to give consent for surgery.

"We can do it tomorrow morning and we will make the necessary preparations today. The sooner the better and don't worry we will do our best." As I assured him and explained everything.

The patient had an accident and spinal cord injured we need Laparoscopic spine surgery. Just a single mistake can lead to damage to the nerves roots and pressure on the nerves may lead to blood loss and internal bleeding.

"Thank you, doctor." Mr Stewart said and left after I explained the procedure of the surgery and post-surgery treatments.

I called my team to inform and brief them on today surgery.

"Kate, get ready the patient for an operation tomorrow and run the necessary test again according to procedures." Said, my junior doctor. "And make sure to get the team ready."

"Yes, doctor." She said and left.

"Henry, are you ready for today surgery and is the team ready for today," I asked another junior doctor under me. He's only 1 year younger than me.

"Yes, they are. Everyone is ready for  today surgery but can we do it in a time frame?" Said Henry with a doubtful look and as he is under pressure. Which is common in today's important operation.

"Henry, the patient is already over 60 years and we have only 5-6 hours. We cannot expand the time due to his age or else it may lead to complications. We already planned each of us needs to do it within our allocated time." I said to him with full confidence.

Today surgery is a major surgery because it will be live broadcast to other hospitals. To study and learn.

"You're next best here. Have confidence we can do it. Is not our first time is it?" I said. As we already did major operations over the year.

"Yes, doctor. I will give it my all." He said full of confidence and calmness. Which is the reason I like him and he has a sharp mind. And calmness which is necessary for a surgeon.

"That's the spirit," I said to him and smiled.

"The rest of you guys need to watch it carefully and after surgery, if you have doubts or questions note it and ask me. It will help you in future." I said to the team.

"Yes, doctor." They all said together.

"Alright, let's meet at the operation theatre," I said and ended the briefing.


So as the day passed we have successfully ended the operation and we did 5 minutes before the time frame and did a record as I may say.

"Doctor Rachel, congratulations on another record." Said my team and people who are watching.

"Henry and Benjamin you guys did great and the rest of the team well done. We made another record." I said to my team cheerfully and almost all of my energy is gone due to high contraction and took all of my mental power.

This team is excellent and all of them are skilled and talented.

After that, I gave instructions and told the patient family about the news as they are were happy and thanked me and my team.

But, if there are no complaints in 48 hours or until the patient is awake then 100% successful.


As I was ready to go home. I got a call home hospital head, the president.

After that, I went to meet him while hopping on the way. He won't go on to that topic again.

As I knocked and entered his office.

"Hello, President," I said with a smile.

"Take a seat, Dr Rachel," he told me to sit. And looked at me eagerly and happily.

"Congratulations, Dr Rachel. You did another record and let me tell you a piece of important news." He said with a serious look.

"I got a call from the chairman after today's operation and he wishes you to become our hospital permanent doctor. And you can take part in the board of meetings and we can even help you get a permanent resident card soon. What do you say?"He said with a look hoping to say 'yes' as he may have gotten orders from the chairman to make me stay.

Damn! This again.

As I joined this hospital as a temporary doctor to be the head of the general surgery department. I signed the contract for one year and if I will willing to leave I need to tell them before 2 months or until the 1 year time comes to an end.

It's almost one year and only 2 months left of it. I need to tell them quick and need to make a decision.

"President, why don't I tell you by Friday. I need time to think." I said to the president.

"You! Dr Rachel, your skills are great and you will probably be top 3  GS in the UK. And maybe within 10 in the world. And also we can use PR to get you more fame and can increase the salary and other benefits. You are also the leading head in the biotechnology company for advanced surgical tools and devices and also VR learning. You became popular for your 98% successful rate in surgeries and most of them are major or complicated ones. And you're just in your early '30s.

Honestly, we want you to stay. We can give better offers than those from the US or other places. We hope you can stay." he frowned said everything he needs to stay.

"It is not that other offers or places. Is that I left my country 2 years ago. And still, my close one and my son are there and I think it's time for me to go. But, I will tell you my decision by Friday." I said to him.

"Okay, Dr Rachel. Whatever it is I will be waiting for the answer." He frowned and said. Waiting for my answer eagerly.

"Okay, president. I will take my leave." I said and headed to my home.

As I reached my penthouse and played with my dog Bolt, a french bulldog. Gave him some of his favourite treats and food for him to eat.

After a long bath. I made some dinner for which is easy to make. My cooking is not so great but good.

After my dinner. I played some music to relax and a glass of red wine. Which is the rare one I got from my friend Ashley Marant.

I sat on my favourite spot with a glass of wine thinking about my next plan. Looking at the view of nightlife London. As it's a penthouse the view here is the best.


Thank you everyone for waiting.

After, I completed the book I will change the grammar mistakes.

The next chapter is about Rachel's decision to stay here in London, UK. or go back to the USA.

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