Chapter 45

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Daria went to turn off her phone and leave it in the bedroom. She noticed a few texts and a missed call from Almasi. As she was going to read the messages, Almasi began calling again.

Daria picked up, "Hey,"

"Oh I'm so glad to hear from you!" she sounded shaken. "It's crazy outside, are you safe?"

Yes. I am the one who instigating the spread of violent panic throughout the city in assisting my boyfriend with a much beloved unethical science project.

"Uh yeah, sounds nuts, I've just not left the house in the past few days,"

Not really a lie.

"Great, do you have enough food? People have started stealing you could maybe run to the nearest shop with Jonathan and take everything you need, just be careful. I'm staying with one of my old classmates. It's not safe to be alone right now. I'm getting a bus out of town tonight."

"That's a good idea" Daria sighed, "Stay inside and safe, this won't be permanent, or something will happen, it's going to be okay." They said their goodbyes and hung up.

Of course, she didn't know if hope was hers to give out, but she did know for sure something was going to happen. Scarecrow was adamant of that.

Jonathan was dressed appropriately and ready downstairs. They turned the house lights out and stepped out of the door looking like young children leaving their house to go trick-or-treating. Daria hid the key in the plant pot again. They began to walk in the direction of the chemical factory. Daria began to feel excited and energetic when Jonathan pulled her closer and linked arms.

A cute couple...couple of scare-alls

"You said that out loud, but I'll dismiss it," Jonathan was smiling under his mask. She could hear him trying to hold back a laugh in his sentence.

"You're dismissing it because it's not a false statement," Daria smirked, nudging him with her shoulder playfully.

A scream was heard not too far away. Jonathan took a deep breath, smiling softly. "Yes, tonight will be good, are you ready Daria?" Once again, it sounded that both him and Scarecrow were in a harmonious balance of each other.

"Yes." Daria turned to him and pushed herself on her toes to steal a quick kiss.

They reached the facility and began to restock resources. Similarly, to the time before, Daria grabbed what she could carry for close range detonation. She had a working gas mask and would be fine.

"Sir, there's been a problem, Batman is in the building,"

Daria hadn't noticed the man enter the room, followed by two others. They were Scarecrow's workers - perhaps on loan from Riddler or Joker.

"Hm that does slow things down. We need to keep him away from the main production room. We only have a few hours left before the weapon is ready."

"You want us to shoot him,"

"Sounds like a good plan," Scarecrow reassumed Jonathan's body, "Don't kill him if you can help it, I'm sure he hasn't had enough of my amazing medicine lately."

"Yes sir," the men jogged out of the room.

Daria walked up to where Scarecrow stood, now fully armed with his toxin. He had a specially designed glove which allowed syringes to be placed alike fingers. She found the look scary but 'badass' – for lack of a better word.

"Go and do whatever you feel you want to do first or have planned," She looked him in the eyes. Scarecrow looking back intensely. "I'll stay here with the workers and distract Batman."

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