Ryuu no Hoko!

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After Kirishima's hissatsu technique was broken through by the shoot chain, Kotaro quickly run in front of the goalpost.

Kirishima: Arashi?!

Kotaro: I will definitely... stop it!!

He shout as a huge hand appear on top of him and form into fist.

Kotaro: Megaton Head!

The fist punched the ball and sent it far away as it went out of bound. Kotaro panting while wipe his forehead.

Kotaro: I bare made it!

Then referee blow the whistle, ending the first half.

"That's it for the first half! Great Marlin still in the lead with 2-0, it's two-point difference for Inazuma Japan! Will they catch up in the second half?!"

Both team went to their bench and take some break.

(Great Marlin bench)

Ching: I knew it, there's no one can break through our invincible hissatsu tactics.

Lee: That's right.

Juvina: Don't let your guard down.

They look at her.

Juvina: Even the slightest chance they might do a counterattack.

Zang: Captain's right.

Carl: Keep our guard is the best we can do now.

(Inazuma Japan bench)

Kirishima: Thank you, Arashi. You saved us back then.

Kotaro: You welcome, Akai-kun. I just do my roll as defender.

Kiba: Still that was suprising. I never thought that you able to use that kind of technique.

Kotaro: Well, it all thanks Captain. He suggest that I'm fine with technique.

They look at Kaminari.

Kaminari: Arashi's speciality is heading, that is why I let him use that technique. And don't mention about where did I take that hissatsu from.

Nanae: Kaminari-kun, do you have a minute?

Kaminari: What's wrong?

Nanae: From few days ago and this day's match, Suiryuu-san is acting weird. He didn't act like himself.

Kaminari: Yeah, I saw it. Since I'm in midfielder position, I can see the whole team. He didn't play like he usually does.

Suiryuu look at his hands that are trembling before look at Hakuryuu. He walk to him making Hakuryuu look at him.

Suiryuu: Coach, please let me play at my usual position.

Hakuryuu: You'll be staying as defender.

Suiryuu: *suprised* Why?! Coach, I've been trying in the first half, and I couldn't do anything as defender!

Hakuryuu: If you went back as midfielder, will you able to play better?

Suiryuu: Th-That's...

Hakuryuu: Even I did that, nothing will change unless you focus.

Suiryuu: I am focus!

Hakuryuu: First, you didn't go and stop the player when you have chance. Second, you collide with your own teammates. You already make two mistakes, what will happen if you went back to midfielder?

Suiryuu: Haku-nii...!

Hakuryuu: If you couldn't even play in the match, then there's no reason for you to be here. This team doesn't player that couldn't keep up with the situation.

Inazuma Eleven: Ore Tachi no Soccer Damashi जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें