Part 3

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I felt a kind of warmth in my body again. But this time it wasn't in my chest or in my stomach.

I carefully lied down on the bed, facing John.

"Hey... do you like us?" John asked.

"What?" I asked, slightly phased by his question.

"Do you like our band?"


"What do you like the most about us? Our concerts?" he asked, with a smirk.

This time I felt a warmth on my cheeks. I was clearly blushing. For some reason I immediately thought about the sock thing.

"They're great! I love the energy", I said and chuckled kind of nervously.

He kept smirking for a while before moving on to the next question.

"What did you think of our new album?"

"I love it."

"How would you describe it?" He asked. I looked over at him. He had this look on his face. The same look as when I'd asked him if it's ok for me to change.

The first word that came to my mind was "sexual". That was no lie. And my thought wasn't just based on the lyrics. The music also had a very sexual vibe to it. And the performances, definitely...

"Uhm... well... you guys clearly have a passion for music", I said.

John looked right into my eyes. His left eyebrow was slightly raised while the rest of his face was lookinh serious. There was something in his eyes. Something different.

"How would you describe it? If you had to use one word?" his voice had a slight hint of frustration in it, even if he didn't bring it out deliberately.

I felt like he knew what I meant. Somehow I'd felt like he constantly knew what I meant.

Slowly but surely I was starting to feel the warm sensation again. Simultaneously, the air started feeling heavier. More tense.

Okay. John wanted me to feel comfortable. I let out a sigh, relaxing my shoulders.


John looked right at me with a slightly satisfied smirk on his lips.

"Ah, sorry, I... didn't quite catch that. Could you..."

"Sexual." I said, cutting him off in the middle of his sentence.

I wanted to see his reaction and saw him slightly brush his lower lip with his front teeth.

Suddenly I felt my shyness disappear. Some other force started taking control of me.

"John... what's frustrating you?"

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