Chapter 1

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It was an average day in Trollstopia, Pop Trolls hugging, Rock Trolls rocking, Country Trolls talking, and even the other tribes were having fun. The Techno Trolls were just having a blast under water with their music


Trollex was playing with the Techno Trollings and even showing them around

"King Trollex, what's so great about the water anyway? Isn't the land more better?" A kid asked

"Yeah, Bloom's right! What's so great about it, King Trollex?" Coral asked

"What's so great about the water? What have your parents been telling you guys?" Trollex asked them

Song: Under The Sea

"The seaweed is always greener, in somebody else's lake! You dream about thinking of it, but that is huge dream. Just look at the world around you! Right here on the ocean floor! Such wonderful things surround you! What more are you lookin' for?!" Trollex sang swimming around them

"Under the sea! Under the sea! Kiddos it's awesome, down where it's wetter, take it from me. Up on the shore they just walk around all day, out in heat where they'll burn up. While we devotin' full time to floatin' under the sea!!" Trollex sang with a huge smile on his face

Bloom and Coral looked at each other then looked back at Trollex continuing to follow him

"Down here all the Trolls are happy. As off through the waves they roll. The Trolls on the land they aren't happy, walking around in the burning sun. We're lucky down here, they aren't so much. One day when their hot, they'll come down and have a day in the water." Trollex sang

He showed them pictures of last time when it was over 100 degrees and the Trolls came to the water to swim

"Under the sea! Under the sea! Nobody beats us, we got the tunes. In Trollstopia up, there they're just burning away out in the boiling sun. Under the sea we're off the hook. We got no troubles. Life is the bubbles! Under the sea!" Trollex sang

"Under the sea!" Two other Techno Trolls sang

"Under the sea!" Trollex sang

"Under the sea!" The kids both sang

"Since life is great here, we got the beat here! Naturally!" Trollex sang

"Naturally!" The Techno Trolls sang

"Even the old time folks agree, they say the same thing! We got the good music. You should hear it! Under the sea!" Trollex sang


"The Rock Trolls play the loud music, the Pop Trolls have the hype, the Classical Trolls play the calm type, and they're real good at it, the Funk Trolls have the vibe, the Country Trolls play the relaxing guitar, while we have that amazing type!" Trollex sang

"Yeah!" A Techno Troll said

"The way that we vibe, the way that we're having more fun than they will! The origins of us is a rather interesting story! Maybe your parents can tell you about it one day!" Trollex sang

He showed the kids some glowing gloves behind some bars and left it with them both and continued to swim with them

"Under the sea!" He sang

"Under the sea!" The kids sang

"When we all begin to vibe! It's music to me!!" He sang

"It's music to him!!" The kids sang

"What do they got? A bunch of dirt? We got an amazing ocean to be free in!! Each little clam here, knows how to jam here. Under the sea! Each little slug here, cuttin' a rug here. Under the sea! Each little snail here, know how to wail here! That's why it's better, under the water! Yeah we're in luck here! Down in the muck here, under the sea!!" Trollex sang

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