Chapter 12 - Song

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Song: Don't Need Them/Her At All

Inspired By: Better Off Alone (Land Before Time)

Poppy swam around the ocean a bit irritated knowing her friends left her, but she tried to not let it get to her as she continued to go ahead

"Who needs friends, to hold you back. Wasting our time with all this nonsense? Who needs friends to watch out for this seaweed. It's not even that dangerous!! I'm just fine on my own. I'm sure I don't need them at all." Poppy sang and swam to her right


Branch swam in front of Trollex, Hickory, and Barb watching out for danger as they looked for the surface

"Who need friends, who get you killed? And don't wanna listen when you tell them that you know when it's time to bail! And you're just trying to help her! Might as well just go back underground! I'm sure we don't need her at all!" Branch sang

"And who needs friends?" Poppy sang

"Who needs friends?" Branch sang

"To boss me around?" Poppy sang

"To get us killed?" Branch sang

"That's really hard to swallow." They both sang

"Can't he see?!" Poppy sang

"Can't she see?!" Branch sang

"It's so clear to me!" Poppy sang

"It's so clear to me!" Branch sang

"I should be in front and he/she should be in back." They both

"My mistake?" They asked

They shook their heads

"I should have known!" They sang

"I'm sure I don't need them/her at all?" They sang crossing their arms

"I'm sure I don't need them at all." Poppy sang

"We definitely don't need her at all." Branch sang

"I guess I don't need all." Poppy sang and rubbed her arm

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