Chapter 10 ~ a Year Of Hell

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We are back at the end is the year between the two movies.

Every since Kylo had become supreme leader Hux was slowly pushed to his breaking point.

Millie gained a promotion to Captain but stayed as Hux's assistant however Hux stayed as he was. He got even more annoyed when his rival Pryde was prompted over him and had started controlling him.

'I have had enough' Hux mummerd, walking into the office and slamming the door.

Millie stood up and saw looked at fresh new buruses on his neck.

'This is all Ren' s fault.' Hux said, pulling you in for a hug.

The two of you had been sending information out for a while but it had stopped due to ask frequencies being monitored.

He sat at this data pad tapping away and pulls out a large CD card. Putting the information on it he turns to Millie.

'I'm sorry, we can't so this' he said

'why not?' Millie asks, walking up behind him.

'it needs to be delivered in person, all the frequencies are monitored' he explained.

'I can go' Millie said.

'you are not' Hux said protectivly, 'I'm not letting you risk your life when I need you here. What would I do if you got caught' me moaned.

'I will say as captain you have asked me to look over the search of the sinita Glacier colony for rebels and leaked information. I go and take the information and say we found nothing'. Millie explained.

'in not comfortable with you doing this love' he mummers.

'we must' she said, taking her hands in his.

'fine. If your you caught we can escape this place together' Hux squeezed Millie's hand gently.

The two of them leaned in and kissed eachother.

'I will get that search sorted my love' he whispered. 'I'm still not comfortable with you going. '

'we can build a new life when Ren and Pryde have no part of it' Millie whispered to him, holding onto his lapels.

He nodded and got the troops ready.

~~time skip~~

Hux stode out with Millie to the hanger with the troops ready.

'good luck General' he said pushing Millie forward to address the troops.

'Alright stormtroopers' she yelled 'this mission is to find out if any stolen intelligence is on the the colony. Do not use blasters unless necessary.'

The troops nodded and filed onto the ship.

'Good luck Millie' he whispers.

Millie got on board and they flew towards the colony. She had with her a mask to hide her face.

Landing on the colony you walked in, flanked by troopes.

'search this colony' she yelled as she dismissed her guards and walked down a tight alley.

Putting her mask on and covering her first order insignia she ran down the street, turning left and right.

Knocking on a door a tall man answers.

'I have the intelligence from the first order.' she said in a low voice 'take it quickly and hide it. They are looking for this.'

The man nods and quickly shuts the door.

Millie ran back to way she came. Her heart beating wildly. Taking her mask of she drops it and smashes it against the ground. She took of the insignia covers and joined the troops again.

'mam, we found this' a stormtrooper said, coming over to her. In his hand was a small guest order data chip. They pulled forward a angry woman, who struggled against her captors.

You looked down at her, she was terrified. 'what is on this chip' Millie asked.

'nothing, I found it.'she said.

Millie raised her eyebrows.

' that's enough for today stormtroopers. Take her in for questioning.' Millie commanded.

The storm troopers nodded and as she put the small data chip into her pocket.

Hux was scarred, for the first time properly in his life. He couldn't do his work, keeping on thinking of Millie, if she was safe.

'general' a liutenant said, walking into the room 'the captain is back from the search. She wants to meet you at the interrogation chamber'

Hux nodded, thanking the stars they she was okay.

Walking to the rooms he was pleased that Ren and Pryde would be destroyed.

'Captain' Hux nodded at Millie. 'We found a woman with a first order data card.'

'then let us see her'. They both walked into the cell, the woman sat.

'please let me go. I did nothing. I found it in the trash' the woman said pleading to the two of them.

'I know who the spy is. I will tell you if you let me go please. It's General Hux. He's the spy'

Hux stood up. 'who knows this?' he shouts at her. 'J-Just me and the my husband. Please. Just let me go I have told you.'

Millie looked at Hux with fear in her eyes.

'which cornel?' Millie asked quietly as Hux left.

'Please. Let me go' she shouted.

Hux came in again, a storm trooper behind him.

'she has not told us the truth and given false information.' he said. Execute her.

Millie stood white as the woman was escorted out the room. A blaster bolt sounded and a body hitting the floor.

Hux came in to the cell where Millie still stood. She was starring and white faced.

' Millie we need to go'. Hux said pulling her out of the cell and into their office.

Hux quickly inserted it into his datapad. The voice recording started.

I am cornel Lazarus of the first order.
This message needs to be spread.
General Hux is a spy.

I overheard him talking with his assistant, saying he will betray the first order to take to down Ren and Pryde.

I send this to you my love so you can spread the message.

If I say this here I will be killed.

The recording stopped.

'damn it' Hux muttered.

'he obviously isn't going to say' Millie mummers.

'we need to kill him' Hux said. 'we have no choice.

' General, Ren wants to see you.' a lieutenant said looking walking into the office.

Hux stood.' Captain stay here please' he said. He looked at her with fear in his eyes.

You smiled at him, very worried.

Hux left. Millie sat, starting to cry. What if he never comes back? The question kept going round in her mind.

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