Chapter Thirteen

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Are brothers annoying or not?

Nandini had decided. She was going to tell her brother everything and knowing he won't ever agree for her to meet Manik alone, she was going to take him along.

She didn't know what was going to be the conclusion of this but she was ready, ready to take a chance.

She called her brother the next minute and waited anxiously. He was going to he angry for sure.

"How come you thought of calling me?" He teased her first thing as he answered the call. She rolled her eyes and then frowned.

"So you mean I don't call you?" She asked because he surely implied that. He chuckled from the other end and it made her irritated.

"So tell me what happened?" He probed and she bit her lip nervously, debating with herself again if she wanted to tell him or not.

"Nandini?" He called but it held a warning which made her heart thud.

"I want you to meet someone." She blurted out in one breath and closed her eyes. Avinash spoke nothing for a moment and she feared he was already upset.

"Is he the same stranger?" He asked quietly and she instantly regretted telling him.

"Yes." Her timid voice reached his ears and she heard him sigh. She was ready to start blabbering in her defense when he spoke,

"Okay, I'll come with you to meet him." She went blank for a second and slowly her eyes widened as she let that sink in. But still cautiously she asked him again.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now don't make me change my mind." He said and hung up immediately which made her scowl at the phone but it didn't last long because she was happy.

He had agreed so easily.


He agreed so easily. Is he planning something?

She groaned when she realised her brother was surely planning something because no way in hell he would've agreed so instantly. But now that it was done, she couldn't do anything except warn Manik to be prepared.

So she called Manik hurriedly and he picked up at the fourth ring.

"Manik!" She squeaked out in a rush and cursed herself for being so impatient.

"Nandini, are you alright?" He asked calmly and she wondered how was he so composed.

"I asked my brother to meet you." She informed and waited for his reaction.

"And what did he say?" He asked cautiously to which she answered in a sullen tone.

"He agreed." She was happy at first but now she wasn't because if he had agreed after her pestering then it would have been more believable but he had agreed without any arguments which was dangerous.

"That's a good news. Why are you so sad about it?" As expected he asked the question.

"Because he agreed too soon Manik. You don't know my brother, he must be surely planning something against you." As soon as she informed him, she heard him chuckle which made her frown.

Isn't he scared?

"It's okay Nandini. He's your brother and being protective is his right. I'm sure I can handle him for you." The way he said it made her heart flutter and color rushed to her cheeks.

It felt like they were in a secret relationship and now they had to get the permission of his brother.

"Are you sure Manik?" She asked hesitantly and he sighed deeply.

"Don't worry Nandini. It'll be alright. So when and where are we meeting?" He changed the topic and she was glad for that.

"I don't know you tell me." And she really had no idea of where they should meet.

"Okay I'll message you the location and about the day ─are you free this Sunday?" He asked and she nodded to herself not realising that he couldn't see her.

"Yes I'm free." She corrected herself when she realised it.

"Good then I'll message you in sometime." She smiled feeling excited, nervous and scared all at once.

"Okay." She muttered playing with her hair and blushing to herself.

She was blushing too much these days.

"Okay." He repeated it as if teasing her and she glared at the wall imagining it to be him. Why were they always teasing her?

"Bye Manik." She said angrily and he laughed at it which made her more angry. She was going to hang up but he said something which made her smile rather than making her more angry.

"Bye Angry bird."

Update after so long :)

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