Untitled Part 1

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            Each Step we Take

A book about a teen who met the person who would soon save his life

Stranger. That's what I am to everybody. I'm a 15 year old boy with no friends. I go to school. I sit alone, eat alone, I am alone. My classmates think I'm the quiet, weird kid. My voice is quiet. My mind says everything.

Ever since I was born I've been a quiet kid. I never had friends or a relationship. I have tried many times but people would use me as someone to talk to when they're bored at 3 in the morning. I stopped trying. I don't mind being alone but it does get a bit sad sometimes. I see people at school having fun with their friends and I would just want to know what that feels like.

My six o'clock alarm went off. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth in silence. I did everything in silence except write. I washed my face in cold water. I walked back into my blue room. My room was very cool if you ask me. I had my guitar collection near my bed. I had a big white shelf where I put my journals there. I have a lot of them. My walls were covered in maps.I picked out my clothes. Blue jeans and a white hoodie. You could say that I like blue.

I sat on my bed. I took out my journal. I read some pass pages. I spend a lot of time writing. It helps me to stay calm and not keep everything bottled up inside. I have two safe places in the entire world. My journal and the river. Where I live,there is a river there and I sometimes talk to the water. I think of it as a friend. It might be weird to some people but I don't trust people. I like to sometimes bottle up notes and throw them in the river hoping for someone to find them. I would write messages like "Hold your head up!" and just encourage words. One time I wrote down my phone number just for fun. I guess no one found it because my phone never got a call or a text.

I put my journal back onto the shelf. I put my clothes on. I looked in the mirror and smiled. I wasn't ulgy. I thought people liked good looking people. I always had nice clear skin. My hair was very nice. I had long curly hair. My hair went down to my shoulders. I would always braid up my hair and wear my hoodie. I guess no one actually looked at me.

I made breakfast. Eggs and rice. I liked cooking. I added steak to the eggs along with onions and cheese. I packed my breakfast into a container and set in on the table. I then got out a plate and tray for my mother. I plated her food and added strawberries. I went to her room and gave her the tray of food. I was good at a lot of things. When you're alone you pick up a lot of habits. After breakfast I headed out the door. School started at 9. It was around seven thirty. I took my bike down to the river. I go there everyday. Before and after school.

I sat on one of the rocks. I took out my breakfast and ate. The water moved so gracefully. Rocking back and forth to the wind. After I finished my eggs, I decided to do some rock skipping. I wanted to beat my record of 11.

At about eight I decided that I would head to school. It takes about thirty minutes to get there. I Grabbed by bag and picked up a rock. I pitched the rock one last time. " I'll be back." I whispered to the river. I hopped on my bike and began riding to school. I knew very many shortcuts and longuts. Some days I would spend more time at the river and get to school in about ten minutes. I passed many bikers riding both sides of the street. My favorite route to take is what I call the "Empty Street." I call it that because no cars ever take that road. I don't know why but it's quiet and empty.

I saw a girl who was on the sidewalk with her bike tipped over on the ground. I really didn't want to help her because I didn't want to talk to her. My mind was screaming at me to slow down and help her. I pulled over to the side of the road to where she was at. "Do you need help?" I asked. She looked up at me and nodded her head. "What happened?" I asked. She replied with "My screw is loose and I had to stop or my bike would fall apart." I set my book bag down and reached inside and took out my bike wrench. I walked over to her bike and tightened the screws back together. Before she said thank you I grabbed my book bag and got back on my bike and left. I didn't want her to catch up to me so I took a shortcut that was in the woods.

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