Part 4 The Little Things

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After the introductions and questions were out of the way, it was time to get to work.

The three walked over to the lobby room, where it was adorned by sofas and chairs, all worn and old in looks. (Y/n) was now able to fully observe the inside of the hotel much more in detail. Like the exterior, the interior was far from perfect, dull and lacking in excitement, and although there was some decorations like posters and paintings that showcased the hotel's goal of redemption, they were poorly made and cut out. 

Placing his hands on his sides, (Y/n) stepped over and inspected the furnishings that occupied the lobby, shaking his head slowly from side to side in disapproval of how ragged and faded everything looked. This wasn't going to cut it, thankfully, being an Angel, and more so, an Agent of Heaven, he has gained and been taught some abilities that can better this environment.

(Y/n): "Yeah, I'm afraid this is not going to cut it, if you will please allow me, I must ask that you step aside for a short moment."

Charlie looked over at (Y/n) as she was walking to take a seat, worried that he was going to leave from how run down the hotel looked. It wasn't at all her fault, but finding a furniture store that would provide her with the essentials was difficult, especially since most laughed at her hotel proposition, so most of the stuff she had brought in the hotel belonged to abandoned warehouses or left on the street to rot.

Charlie: "W-what do you mean?..."

A look of concern overcame Charlie, having her yellow eyes turn somber, making Vaggie see this and come over and console her with a hand on her shoulder.

(Y/n): "You shall see."

Using his hands, and circling them in a motion while adjusting his fingers as he did, a smoke, colored white like clouds began forming around (Y/n), soon absorbing the entire lobby, and the whole hotel shortly after. This aura of smoke coated the entire hotel, making it impossible to see for the short moment it was present. 

Suddenly, the smoke dissipated away, sucking back in quickly into (Y/n), who stopped his hand motion the moment the smoke vanished.

(Y/n): "Ah, much better, you may open your eyes now."

Charlie, Vaggie and Angel Dust all were coughing softly, regaining their breath from being engulfed in the clouds, as they all slowly reopen their eyes, seeing the new and improved lobby room. All of the furniture was reformatted and fixed, like brand new, along with the walls and their dull colors now a shade of a vivid that made it pop even more. The paintings and posters were now redone, much more pleasant to look at, and much more compelling to appreciate.

Everyone was at a loss for words, especially Charlie who simply stood there with her mouth gaped, her eyes wide open in awe. Her hotel that she had a hard time decorating and preparing, was now stunning, making her wanting to tear up from joy. She tried her best to make it look appealing, but with the lack of resources and support from her local Hell denizens, her hard work wasn't her best work.

Charlie: "You... you did all of this?..."

Awestruck, Charlie softly asked (Y/n), her eyes not leaving the wall of refurnished paintings and furniture.

(Y/n): "Certainly, it's a first step in making this hotel much more accommodating for it's residents. Hopefully you like the change."

Vaggie: "Wow, this place looks..."

Angel Dust: "Hot! Now this is a place that I can stay at! Much better than the farm we were living in like 5 minutes ago!

Still at a loss for words, Charlie couldn't explain how grateful and joyous she was about this, and this was just a little trick (Y/n) was capable of, the amount of help he would offer as the mission goes along will make this seem like a walk in the park.

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