Chapter Fifteen: The Way You Crumble

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A tree branch. A vital partner of a tree. In order to make a tree whole, it must have it's partner, the branches. The branches of a tree are important because they gift the beauty of leaves. The beauty of leave,s provided by the precious branches dismmenate oxygen into the world, therefore allowing humans and animals alike to breathe. But, when a tree looses it's branches, the tree looses it's leaves. When the tree looses it's leaves, it looses it's source of nitrogen. When the tree looses it's source of nitrogen, it cannot gift the world with oxygen. This is the domino effect that applies to love as well, once one simple emblem falls out of place, the entire foundation crumbles.

I've only ever been in love; genuinely, twice. Once with the wondrous Diana Ross and the second with Jesse. Through my first experience of falling in love, I learned to expect disappointments and to live with the reprecussions of whatever follows those disappointments. When Diana Ross accepted Arne Naess request for her hand in marriage, I knew right then and there that Diana had unconciuosly broken my heart.

I did't even know Arne Naess before they announced they were going to be hosting their own wedding. I would later learn bits and pieces of this man, that married the only woman I ever loved at the time. He was an German born man who many notarizes him as an Norwegian businessman, shipping magnate and mountaineer. Upon finding this out, I sat and pondered for days on what he had that I didn't. I contemplated on what he gives her that I can't. I contemplated until I finally concluded, that it's not my place to question God's events. I have to leave it alone.

Now, I understand Diana's choice. I have never seen myself falling for a fan, because I always configured that they would only try to spend most of our relationship trying to save me from loneliness. I was afraid that I would only drag them into my hole of pity, no one deserves that. But then I saw Jesse. So feisty and daring. I first fell for her dance, then as time took it's path, I eventually fell in love with her; and I'm still falling.

Since the announcement of my auditions for The Way You Make Me Feel, and my decisions on the dancers, there have been a whirl wind of advertisement offers from many big televising companies, all wanting to support "The hopeful album that will be even more of a thriller than Thriller itself!".

Of course I am in complete elation in the support and the anticipation of Bad from many arenas of the world, but with so much to do my focus always falls on Jesse.

Jesse is my only distraction. Jesse is my only distraction, because I know I am growing into my old tendency to transform into a workaholic.

I only worry because I have been so accustomed to just giving my full attention into album making, that I do forget many vital thing's like eating and sleeping. I just don't want that to be the following case with Jesse as well. Therefore, I ensure that she is involved in every part of this creation of my short films.

Her involvement really began from the inspiration behind many of my lyrics. When composing the love songs of Bad, I wasn't nessaccerily appointing them on Jesse being the muse.

I actually was inspired by many thing's when composing a select few of the songs. But, my spoken intro for I Just Can't Stop Loving You, was an atest to my true feelings for Jesse. I remember that night vividly.

"I still can't believe I'm your girlfriend now.." She smiles through the darkness.

I reach for her hands blindly. Upon finding the rather measurably small palms of hers, I entangle our fingers, wishing to somehow see those cheeks blush a rosey red. This is our first night alone. The rest of the Jacksons are sleeping along with the outsides of Haveynhurst. We're the only beings sturring.

"Believe it Jesse Rose. You're my girl. I wouldn't have it any other way" I smile, aware that she will not see it.

She sighs dreamily, the scent of her recent cotton candy escapade flirting with my nostrils.

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