Chapter Thirty-Two

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Dean and Emily had everything ready to go with two weeks to spare before the wedding. Daffodils were just beginning to shoot up in the grass, and most mornings began with a sprinkling of dew. Cas had finished designing their cake, all that was left now was to make it for real.

Cas woke up one morning to find Dean missing from his side of the bed. It was early, as it always was when Cas woke up to go to the bakery. Cas rolled onto his back and lazily rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He considered staying in bed for a little while longer, but the clock on his nightstand and the bed growing cold convinced him otherwise. He got up, threw on some clothes, and left the room yawning widely.

Dean was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for him, with Gracie sitting on the counter nearby, twitching her tail. He was humming quietly to himself and bobbing his head to his own tune. He didn't notice Cas come in, and the humming turned to singing. Softly, softly, so as not to disturb the quiet morning.

'Carry on my wayward son,' he sang, petting Gracie. 'There'll be peace when you are done.' He turned and spotted Cas watching him fondly. He faltered for a moment, then set aside the bacon he had been frying and held his hand out to Cas. 'Lay your weary head to rest,' he continued, dancing Cas around in a circle. 'Don't you cry no more.'

Cas hugged him close, breathing in his scent, then made him jump by breaking into the guitar solo directly in Dean's ear. He couldn't finish it, laughing too hard at Dean's expression, then grabbed his hands when a grin spread across his face.

'Good morning,' Cas said, once he had stopped laughing, and kissed Dean on the nose.

{Breakfast?} Dean asked, going back to the bacon.

'You bet. Why are you up so early, anyway?'

Dean smiled. {I couldn't sleep. I'm too excited to be married to you}

Cas laughed. {It's not for two weeks. I hope you can sleep between now and then}

{I will. It hit me last night}

{I see}



They enjoyed their meal together, and Dean walked Cas to the bakery, holding his hand.

'Have a good day,' Cas murmured to Dean before he opened the bakery door.

Dean kissed him softly, then winked and left for work.

They continued this routine in the run up to the wedding, and Cas made meringues at the bakery to match his lightheartedness.

He closed the bakery a week before the wedding, propping the 'closed for a wedding' sign that Charlie had made him in the window. He stopped in front of the door for a while, looking up at the building. The next time he would be inside, he would be married. He shivered at the thought, but walked home.

Dean was already dressed for his bachelor party that night, and grinned at Cas when he came in. Two small, black velvet drawstring bags lay in the kitchen counter. {Are you ready?} Dean asked Cas, gesturing at the bags.

Cas sighed, but slipped off his ring and put it in one of the bags, while Dean did the same. His hand felt odd without it.

{I'm going to miss you} Cas signed.

Dean squeezed his hand, and tucked the bag with Cas's ring into his pocket.

{You don't have to go. You could stay with me}

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