xvi. stimulate

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[author's note: helllooooo! i'm so sorry this chapter took so long for me to get out. i got stuck quite a few times while writing it :( . nonetheless, i hope you enjoy!]

Byakuya was a mess. A blushing, stumbling, laughing, drunk mess. You've never seen him act anything like this before. With a big stupid smile on his face, he slammed his empty red plastic cup onto the counter. "I'm dooone," He announced.
You looked at him with concerned eyes. "Byakuya, I-I think you went a little overboard."
"No!" He stated proudly with a dazed, yet happy look on his red face.
"Seriously, you're drunk as hell. Maybe we should just head back to the hotel.."
"No, baby, noooo, I'mm finee," He drunkenly reassured, standing beside you and laying his head on your shoulder.
'Baby?' You thought to yourself. He's never called you that before.. "A-Are you sure? I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
"Yess, I'm quite sure. It's so cute that you worry about meeeeee." He pulled his head off your shoulder and moved his face right in front of yours. He stared into your eyes intensely.
"Wh-What the hell are you doing?"
The blond moved his hand to the sides of your head and grabbed it. "I jusht wanna tell you that yerr so greaat, Y/N." He was slurring his words a little.
Just like him, your face turned red. "Th-Thank you, but why are you saying this r-right now?"
"I jusht felt like telling youu, okay" He muttered at he moved his hands around to your back and pulled you in to a warm, tight hug.
'Why is he being so.. affectionate?' you thought to yourself as your face was pressed into his chest. It was kind of nice how he was all sweet, but it still felt so random. Just when you accepted that apparently getting drunk made him act all lovey-dovey, you felt his hands move away from your back and slide down to your ass. He chuckled a little.
    You jumped a little and pushed away from him and broke the hug. "I know you're drunk but please, get a grip!" You scolded. Ah, so not only does he get affectionate when he's drunk he gets horny too?
     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I jusht can't help iiiit," He said, laughing a little.
     "Yeah, uh," You stepped back a little more. "D-Do you like need anything..? Water? Aspirin?"
     "No, all I need is youu, Y/N," He laughed for a second at his own words then paused. "Uhhh, but seriously though I really need to pee."
     You sighed. "Okay, the bathroom is down over there, that door on the left," You pointed. "Can you remember that much?"
     "Yeah, yeah, I got it," he confirmed, and starting walking off toward the bathroom, stumbling a little.
     "God, he's a wreck.." You mumbled as he exited the kitchen.
     After a while, you decided to walk over near the bathroom and wait outside the door so he didn't get lost or something. You leaned against the wall and watched people dance in front of your eyes, so occupied in their own little drunken worlds of happiness. You smiled a little. Even though you had a lot to drink, you felt so sober compared to everyone else here, especially Byakuya.
     Suddenly, you felt a new presence appear beside you on the wall. You whipped your head to the side suddenly to see who it was. It was... some boy you'd never seen before. He smirked at you. "Waiting for someone?" He asked incredibly casually.
     You looked him over quickly. He was sorta tall, had green hair, green eyes, and a lot of piercings. After studying his face for a sec, you were like 99% sure you'd never met him. So, why was he even talking to you?
     You smiled nervously, "Uh, y-yeah, my... friend's in there." You weren't sure what to refer to Byakuya as. He wasn't your boyfriend or anything, but he definitely wasn't just your friend earlier. It was weird. So, you just settled on calling him your friend.
     "Oh okay," He smiled lightly. "So, do you live on this island or are you here on vacation?" He asked coolly.
    'Why does he care? Why is he asking me this? Is he flirting with me?!' You thought to yourself frantically. "Yeah I, uh, l-live here, I work at the big hotel," You nervously explained. You weren't sure why you were so nervous. Maybe because you were intimidated by this random dude so casually talking to you.
     'God, Byakuya is sure taking his time.' You thought. You wouldn't be too surprised if he was asleep in the bathtub right now.
      "That's cool," He nodded, raising a red solo cup to his lips, looking off into the distance for a second. "By the way, my name's-"
     "Excuse me," You heard a stern voice say from your other side. You looked over. Oh my god, it was Byakuya. His face was still red, but instead of having some stupid drunken expression on it, it was covered in ice cold anger. He glared at the green haired boy. Why was he so upset?
     "Oh-" The boy said in realization. He embarrassedly put his hand on his neck and chuckled. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she-"
     "That's fine." He put his arm around your back defensively. "Now if you don't mind, we'll be on our way," He said, surprisingly stoic and articulate for a drunk man. Byakuya began to walk away with you.
     "Wait wh-" Quickly, as you were being pulled away by Byakuya, you turned and waved a short goodbye to the guy. He feebly waved back as you turned around again and looked at Byakuya. He still had that pissed off expression on his face. "Uh, what was that about?" You asked as he finally stopped walking in some refreshingly uncrowded hallway. He pulled away from you.
     "What do you mean?" He crossed his arms, gazing at you with unamused blue eyes. Suddenly, he sounded a bit less sober than he did when he was speaking with that guy. I guess he's really good at selectively concealing his drunkenness.
      "I don't know you seemed really... angry, and you pulled me away from that guy for no reason. Just... why did you do that?" Genuinely, you were so confused. You hadn't done anything wrong, right?
He huffed a little and suddenly averted eye contact. "Isn't it obvious?" He muttered.
"No, it's really not."
"I..." He paused for a second and turned his head even farther away from you. "I got jealous. Is it really that hard to understand?" He looked so embarrassed. He hung his head a little, almost shamefully. His already drunkenly pink cheeks seemed to turn even redder.
     "I know it's selfish, but seriously..." He took a deep breath. "I just want you for myself, Y/N." He gathered the courage to look you in the eye again. Your E/C eyes widened a little at his words. Honestly, you weren't too sure what to say in response.
You paused, silently pondering over his words. "If I saw some girl talking to you like that.. I'd probably feel the same way, too," you told him. Even though the two of you weren't officially together or anything, you could really understand why he felt so jealous. The feeling was mutual.
Against your will, a thought hiding in the back of your mind rolled out of your mouth. "I just wish we could, y'know, be together," You accidentally thought out loud.
Byakuya smiled lightly, not surprised by your words at all. "I wish we could, too."
You almost wanted to say, "So why don't we just date already then?", but then you remembered. Though this fact was completely unspoken between you and Byakuya, you both knew it very well. It was Friday. In only a couple days now, Byakuya would leave. And you would remain here. There's no way you could work out a relationship if you weren't with him. The painfully true fact stabbed you in the heart with a pang of sadness.
From the looks of his disheartened face, it seems that Byakuya was thinking about the same thing.
Seeing Byakuya like that caused your mood to switch. You figured that you shouldn't waste anymore time feeling sad about them quickly-approaching inevitable. You and Byakuya only had a limited amount of time left, and you wanted to spend it enjoying it the most you could. The sadness and despair faded, and you grew determined and excited.
"Hey, c'mon, Byakuya. We're at a party, we should be enjoying ourselves, right?" You said, trying your best to be encouraging.
He smiled a little, yet he still seemed slightly melancholic. "Yeah... I guess you're right," He agreed.
     Smiling a little, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him all the way back into the kitchen.
     You smiled. "Let's just forget about... what we were worrying about for now and have another drink."
     Byakuya agreed, despite how drunk he was already. Just as quickly as the last, both of you downed your drinks, hoping the sadness would fade away.
     And yes, it sure did. After that, the rest of the night kind of blurred. However, you knew that you and Byakuya spent the rest of the night carefree, happy, and drunk. Yet, you still weren't sure the specifics of what happened though.
     You're pretty sure you convinced Byakuya to dance with you and after that you think that you snuck into your friend's bedroom to go make out.
     One of the only moments you could've clearly and vividly remember was later in the night. At that point, the party had thinned out a bit. You and Byakuya were thinking about leaving. Just then, you saw a familiar pair of white pigtails, belonging to your friend/hostess of the party.
     Her blue eyes lit up when she saw you and Byakuya again. Immediately, she approached the two of you with a bright grin on her face. "Hi you guys!! Did you enjoy the party?"
You and Byakuya nodded. "Y-Yeah, it  was... really fun, to say the least," You answered, drunkenly inarticulate.
"That's good!!" Unlike you, she was either sober or very good at hiding drunkenness. "Well, before you leave, do you wanna have one more drink?" She mischievously asked.
     And after that point, the memories faded into fogginess again. However, you do know that somehow that whole situation ended with you pushing Byakuya into the ocean.
     Eventually, the party was over. You had said your goodbyes and now, you and Byakuya were walking back to the hotel, exhausted. By now, it was almost 2 am.
     Unlike earlier, the streets were dead silent. You could only hear cicadas hissing and gentle, crashing noise of the waves. It was so serene, seeing everything covered in a gentle blue blanked of moonlight.
     Both of you were still quite drunk and disheveled. As you trudged along the sidewalk, you complained, "Byakuyyaaaaa, I'm too tired to walkk, can you carry me?"
     To your surprise, he simply smiled a little and nodded. He stepped in front of you and crouched down a little bit. "Sure.. get on my back."
     You grinned out of excitement. You could hardly believe that he said yes. You were completely expecting him to say no. Under normal circumstances, he probably would've said no, but since he was drunk and it was 2 am, I guess he's grown more lenient.
     Of course, you hopped onto his back. It was warm and comfortable, yet a little bit wet from earlier when he fell in the ocean. He quickly wrapped his arms underneath your knees to hold you up.
     Without complaint, he continued to walk back to the hotel. Lulled by the rhythmic rocking of his steps and incredibly tired from the long, eventful party, you couldn't help but feel so incredibly sleepy like this, your head resting on his back.
     Tiredly, you shut your eyes and quietly mumbled, "Byakuya... I love you so much."
     You fell asleep before you could see if he would say it back to you or not. However, knowing him, you were completely sure that he did. <3

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