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Haider didn't want anything to do with Fariah in the start as he felt burdened by the fact that he was given no choice in marrying her. He made it quite clear to her on their nikkah day and her passive behaviour made him more infuriated. His wife didn't seem affected by his ignorance which is why he uttered a few comments here and there to bring a reaction out of her.

He had no idea his comments would hurt her like this. He called her over-weight and she unknowingly started eating less. He once commented about how the sharp pink colour only suits light complexion and she never wore sharp colours again. He noticed that her cheeks were not chubby anymore and she had dark circles under her eyes. He felt really bad when he noticed these changes and tried to redeem his mistakes. He brought food or snacks she liked so that she won't be able to resist them and eat properly. He gave his credit card to his sisters and asked them to take everyone to shop for new clothes. His sisters understood his intention and just giggled at him. They took Fariah on shopping and bought alot of things for her including clothes, shoes, jewellery and makeup even when she asked them not to.

He had been trying to gain her attention and dropped subtle hints here and there but she didn't even look his way so realising his changing feelings was a long shot. He himself couldn't understand when his feelings for her started changing, when he started to yearn for the voice he once found annoying. Fariah had become quite after her parent's death but she went mute after their nikkah. He didn't want to accept the fact that it might be because of his harsh behaviour but he felt guilty. He has always had temper issues and his forced wife's ignorance hurt his manly ego.

He was trying to make excuses, he knows, but he had to settle his nagging conscience somehow. The worse thing was that she never complained. She quitely did all the chores, took care of everyone's needs, behaved like a proper bahu but not even once tried to be his wife. She cleaned his room everyday, set up his wardrobe properly and complied to all his demands quitely. He once threw a huge tantrum and ruined his wardrobe by throwing everything out of the almirah becuase he couldn't find his blue shirt. She quitely went to his room and took out the neatly ironed shirt placing it on the bed. He went to bathroom to take a shower and came out to a neat and clean room with a perfectly set wardrobe. He could not understand what did she mean by all this. She did all her duties as a wife but didn't pay him attention as well. She took care of his needs but didn't seem to care much about him as well. She stayed infront him all the time but avoided him as well. What did it all mean?

عذر آنے میں بهی ہے اور بلاتے بهی نہیں
باعث ترک ملاقات بتاتے بهی نہیں

You hesitate to come and you do not call me, either
You do not tell me your reasons for ending our relationship either.

خوب پردہ ہے کہ چلمن سے لگے بیٹهے ہو
صاف چهپتے بهی نہیں سامنے آتے بهی نہیں

There is a lot hidden when you are sitting next to the curtain
Neither do you hide completely nor are you visible clearly.

ہو چکا قطع تعلق تو جفائیں کیوں ہوں
جن کو مطلب نہیں رہتا وہ ستاتے بهی نہیں

If the relationship has ended, why continue the tyranny?
Those who don't have a reason, don't tease and trouble, either.

زیست سے تنگ ہو آئے 'داغ' تو جیتے کیوں ہو
جان پیاری بهی نہیں، جان سے جاتے بهی نہیں

If you are troubled and tired of life, O Daagh, then why do you continue to live?
Life doesn't seem to be valuable to you and you do not leave it, either.

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