Chapter 25

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Sorry for the mistakes 🙏🙏🙏🙏

"-sorry i-i c-coul-dn't s-sa-ve T-Tae-hyung.

tr-tra-ce h-his lo-ca-tion i-i h-h-have im-pl-an-ted ch-ip on h-is sca-lp.


N-Nam-joon-shi i-i l-lo-ve y-ou

I-It's pa-thet-tic I'm con-fessi-ing on th-e ve-rge of dea-th i-i kn-ow

y-yo-on-gi i kn-ow y-ou ar-e n-not hea-rt-less

Ji-min d-don't suf-ffer al-one o-o-o-ok?

Ho-seok y-ou d-on't ha-ve t-o sm-ile al-ways I-It's o-k to b-e sa-d

"Je-Jeong-guk th-ank y-ou f-for fi-nd-ing m-me

i ne-ver sa-id b-ut wi-th y-ou g-gu-ys i fi-nd m-y ha-pp-in-ess

y-ou we-re m-my ho-me

M-m-my s-s-sa-fe pl-ace

S-so-rry i ha-ve to le-ave y-ou gu-ys li-ke th-is

N-n-now T-Tae do-esn-t h-h-ave to g-o an-y-whe-re

Th-ank g-god

B-bu-t y-yo-u se-ee

I-It's hu-rt-ing s-o mu-ch

ca-n't y-ou co-me he-re

i d-on-t wa-nt to d-ie li-ke th-is y-y-you kn-ow

So-me-one sa-ve m-me


Jin choked a sob helplessly.

His whimper was so painful to even hear.

Only the Universe knows how he begged someone to save him.

To let him live, but no one came, no one heard his plea.

With the last silent begs, his heart stopped.

Namjoon listened to this voice over and over.

Torturing him with the painful whimper of his beloved in his last moment.

His tears couldn't stop pouring out, even if he tried so hard.

Because his love would be sad seeing him like this, right?

But here his tears doesn't seem to listen to him.

Why Tears are so stubborn when it is his eyes where they are coming from?

He played those voice over and over again to listen how he failed to save his love.

How Jin died in a cruel way.

Because of his carelessness.

How he fail to save one of their comrades and how they are yet to save their Tae-

"tr-tra-ce h-his lo-ca-tion i pl-ant ch-ip on h-is sca-lp."

He abruptly stood up and ran towards the office.

Cursing himself why they didn't notice this before.

But who will tell that they were mourning Jin's death.

"Taehyung is found."

All of them looked at Namjoon in a snap of seconds.

"J-Jin planted a chip on Taehyung's scalp for his safety."

Then all of them realized how they didn't notice Jin's words in a voice record.

'How did Jin knew Taehyung would be in need of safety?' Yoongi thoughts.

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