First Transfusion

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The year is 2020, three years ago there was a crisis in Japan, a biological weapon was dropped onto the Kyushu island, and 75% of the population was infected with a virus called Onyx. It was named Onyx by the scientist named Alex Archer, the same scientist that helped create the virus in 2013 for a super soldier program. Many people believed it was an attack and not an accident.

The virus turned most of the people on the island into a monster that Dr.Archer classified as invalid, they have an extremely thin body with long thin limbs, and giant sharp claws on their hands, they have completely black skin on their bodies and run like animals on all fours, they get stronger and faster at night and hunt down human beings for their flesh like horror movie zombies.    

In three months after the biological weapon's launch, the onyx virus began to spread along the Kyushu island and to the other near by areas of the island. when the people infected with Onyx began to move towards the bridges towards the mainland of Japan, China lent their aid and destroyed the bridge to the island, and rained white phosphorus on the entire island killing almost everything on the island. 

After the firebombing, Japan rebuilt the bridges and the people went back to the island, almost everything was rebuilt in three years, but the land wasn't completely the same as it was. The land was still stained with the Onyx that infected people and a small amount of survivors disappeared from the island before the firebombing began. 

Now in the early days of 2020, the man responsible for one of the new era's biggest terrorist attacks was captured and was handed over to the Japanese government when he was caught in America. In the middle of  the rebuilt Fukuoka city, there was a large university converted into a academy for families that arrived to the city, in one of the classrooms there was a teacher giving an entire lecture to the students. The woman had long blond hair, a white button up shirt, a black skirt, matching colored heels, and  a pair of red frame glasses. 

She was going on about the history of the Kyushu island, she paced in front of the class droning on about the solo terrorist not working alone and almost sounding like a complete conspiracy theorist. The classroom had around four rows of eight students, and all of them were having mixed feelings about her lecture as she paced next to the dry erase board, suddenly she stopped at a front desk next to the door to the classroom. 

Sitting at the desk was nobody else but the protagonist, he was face down and asleep, even snoring in the class room. The boy was only sixteen, he wore a black skull cap on his head hiding his hair, he had dark skin, and was wearing a black gakuran school uniform. The teacher slammed her hand down on the front of his desk and awoken the boy making him jump up in his chair. 

" Mr.Senji Hale, would you like to explain why you are sleeping in my class !?!" The teacher yelled at him. 

The boy, named Senji slouched over his desk and only gazed at the teacher's breast for a second before he looked her in the eye with his grey eyes." Well to be honest, your lectures are pretty boring and I don't get enough sleep at night, is that good enough Ms.Miyahara ?" Senji asked her plainly. 

Ms.Miyahara leaned on the desk and had a livid look in her red eyes, the two had a stare down that caused the entire class to silently watch." Mr.Hale, you do know your on thin Ice with me already with all of your delinquent actions, so I'll tell you this once-"

"Watch yourself." Senji finished her sentence." You say that way to often, if your going to do something do it, don't make idle threats like you will do something." 

The students began to chuckle at Senji and the teacher having a whole stare down an argument, the hat wearing student looked over to an empty desk by the window in the front row hoping to see someone, but there was just an empty seat at the moment, suddenly Ms.Miyahara stood where Senji was looking. "Don't expect Ms. Izumi to come to your rescue at the moment, I sent her to get a TV for today's note taking." 

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