Chapter 50 - DOUBLE MURDER

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They were dead. Mandy and Alex were both dead.

It all happened very quickly. At first, Chloe and Alex were both pointing a gun at each other, and both threatened to kill the other. Next thing Danny finally lost patience and attacked Alex to get the gun from him. They had a fight and Danny got the gun and decided he was going to shoot Alex and Mandy like he had wanted to earlier in the evening. Next thing Mandy tries to attack Danny and tries the knee to the balls trick again but Danny is having none of it, he hates Mandy so he shoots her dead. Alex is so mad that he attacks Danny and says he will kill him because he killed Mandy. Alex gets the gun back and says he will kill Danny and after he has done that he will kill Jake's parents too, so Jake takes the other gun and shoots Alex to save Danny and his parents.

After all the madness and the two gunshots, a deathly silence fell over the house. No one knew really what to say or do next. Two people were dead, the two bad guys. Jake and Chloe hugged each other and then Jake and his parents hugged and Chloe and Danny hugged and Jake and Danny hugged and Danny thanked Jake for killing Alex. Chloe asked what they should do next and Danny and Jake went outside to talk by themselves for a few minutes

''Ok so we've both killed someone tonight'' Danny said ''but they had it coming and I feel no remorse about it''

''I don't feel remorse either'' Jake replied ''but I am having a hard time getting my head around the fact that I have now killed two Hawksworth brothers. Your mother hated me enough already now it's going to be double the hate'' The two of them laughed thinking how mad Lorraine would be now, her two favorite sons both dead ''my mum always preferred Alex and Liam to me and Chloe'' Danny told Jake ''yeah I know Chloe already told me the same thing. I was lucky I was an only child so my parents only had me to love and no competition''

''We need to decide what to do now'' Danny told him ''honestly I am ready to hand myself in and I don't care anymore. I am ready to go to prison for murder and I don't mind going down for two instead of one'' Jake looked at Danny with surprise ''you mean?...'' Danny nodded his head ''yeah I'm happy to take the blame for both murders to let you off the hook. I'm totally sure your parents and Chloe would be willing to go along with it too''

Jake thought about it for a moment ''No'' he said at last ''I won't let you take the blame, I'll confess to both murders and protect you because you've been good to me'' Danny shook his head'' No Jake I can't let you do it, it's not fair''

''But it's not fair for you to take the blame on your own either''

''I guess maybe we're in this together then, we have to face the consequences together. No cover-up, no lies, we'll just tell them the truth''

They both agreed and shook hands. They went back inside and told the others what they had decided. The police were called and they arrived at the house. Jake and Danny told them the truth. That Jake had been held as a prisoner by the family, that he and Chloe had escaped, that the others had caught them again, the crash and then Alex threatening them and Danny killing Mandy and Jake killing Alex. Jake and Danny were both arrested much to Chloe and Jake's parent's distress. Chloe and Jake's parents tried to argue that it was self-defense, Alex was crazy and they had all been in danger, and Jake had been kept in unlawful custody for months. But it made no difference and the two young men were taken away to the police station. Chloe was very upset and so were Jake's parents.

At the police station, Jake and Danny were interviewed separately ''well murder is very serious of course'' the detective told Jake grimly ''but it's even more serious when there is a gun involved''

''Well he threatened to kill my parents so don't expect me to feel any remorse or regret, I did what I had to do. Alex was a nutcase and he asked for it. I am actually glad I killed him''

''You have a habit of killing members of the Hawksworth family right son?''

''The first one was different, I killed Liam by accident but Liam's parents and Alex, all hated me and wanted to punish me themselves. I went through hell. Dan and Chloe were the only two who helped me through it''

''Yes we understand all that and what they did was very wrong indeed. But you still killed someone with a gun and you don't get away with taking the law into your own hands no matter what''

''It's fine, so just charge me then'' Jake was pissed off now and also very tired ''I want this interview to end now'' he announced with an attitude ''I'm very tired and just put me in a fucking cell and let me sleep ok'' The detective smirked at Jake, he was always amused by feisty boys with attitudes.

In another interview room, Danny was being grilled and was feeling the same way Jake did ''I am not sorry I killed her'' he said ''not one bit. She had it coming, she was a very nasty and spiteful young woman''

''Yes, she also had a young child didn't she'' the detective said ''did you think about that poor little girl being left without a mother?''

''With a mother like her, the kid is better off without her anyway. I bet there are tons of loving families who will adopt her, she'll be fine''

''What a heartless thing to say. I can see you have no remorse at all and in the end, this will not do you any favors when it comes around to sentencing''

Danny shrugged ''I don't give a shit'' he said ''I don't care what happens now, if I go to prison for the rest of my life I don't care. I don't have much in my life so I am not losing much and I will finally be away from my parents, those two really screwed me up''

''You do not care about losing your freedom?''

''Not really, I was already a prisoner for many years. You can be a prisoner in lots of different ways, you don't need to be in an actual prison to be one''

Chloe and Jake's parents waited in reception for any news. Chloe felt awkward sitting with them since she didn't know them and they had nothing really to talk to each other about. She wasn't even sure how they felt about her if they really trusted her or not. While she was sitting there she realized something and approached the desk sergeant ''I need to talk to someone it's urgent'' she said ''There is a boy called Darren serving 10 years for raping me but he is innocent. He didn't rape me and its a miscarriage of justice''

While all this had been going on an ambulance had finally arrived to attend to Lorraine. She had been rushed to the hospital with Donald by her side. At the hospital, the Doctors delivered some devastating news. It looked like Lorraine would live but she'd spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. She had broken her spine and the damage could not be fixed. she would never walk again. Lorraine screamed and cried and Donald did his best to comfort her. Neither of them even knew yet that they had now lost another son. But when the police arrived at the hospital to arrest Donald for unlawfully keeping Jake as a prisoner they also told him what had happened. Donald was very concerned about Lorraine, he didn't want her to know just yet, not while she was still so upset about losing the use of her legs. He was relieved to hear that Lorraine would be left in peace for now due to her condition, but she would still be charged and questioned at a later date when she was ready for it. 

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