Chapter Three

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Knowing that the longer it took me to work out a plan, the further I was getting from where I needed to be made it difficult to think. On the other hand, there was always the possibility that Keene and Braxton would become more relaxed as time went on. They already had the impression I was a vulnerable young woman.

As the sun dipped completely below the horizon, it became darker in the train car. The velvet seats beneath me were comfortable enough but I couldn't get settled. The gas lights were lit, and while it made my fellow passengers easier to see, I could not pick out anyone who could be an ally.

There were two elderly gentlemen, discussing a detail in their newspaper. They had to be at least sixty years old, and while they might be chivalrous, there would not be much they could do to help me.

A middle aged woman was seated with two children, who were under the age of ten. They must have been traveling for some time because the children were restless. Their mother's attention was all on them. She might be sympathetic but again, she would be powerless against Keene and Braxton.

The passengers seated on the opposite end of the car were too far for me to be able to see clearly. I decided. I was on my own in this endeavor.

When the train flew past a station, the germ of an idea took root in my mind. Would it be possible for me to separate myself from my escorts while the train was at a stop? I would have to time it precisely so that they would not be able to get back off in pursuit.

No, they'd expect that. And staying on the train while devising an excuse to get them off, was also a bad idea. I didn't want to go north.

What if I were to draw my hat pin, draw blood from one of them, and then bolt for another car? I dismissed the thought almost as soon as it entered my mind. While I knew the pin could cause considerable damage, even death if used precisely for that purpose, I wasn't eager to merely annoy the men for no purpose.

"You really should sleep, Miss Norton." Braxton's voice startled me out of my thoughts. "Otherwise you will be too exhausted to greet your parents properly."

Why were they so insistent on me sleeping? I was beginning to find it very unsettling. "I'm really not tired." As if on cue, my stomach rumbled. "I am, however, hungry. We left before I had a chance to eat anything and it has been a long time since my last meal." In the dim light, I saw Braxton flinch. "So if this is going to be a long journey, as you say, could you let me eat something?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and heaved a sigh. "Fine. The dining car will have something."

"Excellent." I stood up promptly. Getting a better idea of what the rest of the train cars looked like, and who else was on, would be helpful when I was finally ready to make my escape.

The dining car was forward two cars. The tea that was set before me looked weak though I was grateful to drink it. There wasn't much in the way of food, a few pieces of dry toast, but it was better than nothing at all. Perhaps most people ate something at the stations?

No one else was in the car. Braxton didn't have anything to drink or eat. He didn't even watch me all that much either, only paid for the tea and toast and then stared at the opposite wall. Every few seconds, he would check his pocket watch. Not a word was said as I consumed the meager offering.

"So how long have you and Mr. Keene been working together?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.

The question caught his attention for he swung his gaze to me. He hesitated before he said, "We have been associates for some time. Why?"

"Because I can honestly say I am not sure which of you has more authority," I said honestly. I leaned back in my chair as I watched him. "He spoke to me first, but you have redirected him on several occasions. He is the one who questioned me about what I was to telegram to Miss Hunter, and you are the one who said easing my mind was the least you could do."

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