Telling The Truth

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Red was eager to leave after the whole fiasco with Bella. When she did leave, the old vampire was questioning herself on how to feel that her mate was already married and had a child with someone else. Of course, this had always been a possibility, and she knew that, but to know it was a fact left a hollow feeling in her chest that she craved would leave her alone.

There was the possibility of turning off her humanity, but that was something to be treasured in Reds' opinion. It's what separated her from the monsters.

Red closed her eyes, placing a hand over her stomach. A child was the only thing she couldn't give him. Not anymore. She felt heartbroken and at a loss as to what she could do. Red opened her eyes and sighed softly, and chose to brush her situation aside for now. If there was one thing Red could decide on, it was that she needed to get a drink. From that point, the rest of the night was a blur, only the man's face and the taste of his blood left in her mind.

~Back With The Cullen's~

As soon as Red had left the Cullen residence, Edward went looking through the house to find Bella. The rest of his family, more so Jasper, noticed the shift of his mood, the dark look on his face mostly giving him away to the others. They were quick to follow him to make sure nothing bad would happen as well as the odd bit of curiosity. They found themselves in the living room where Bella was found slouching on the couch, flipping through a random magazine that had been left on the coffeetable.

The rest of the Cullen's just stood in the doorway while Edward stood in front of his 'wife'. "Why did you do that?" His voice was cold and bitter. But Bella paid him no mind as she continued to flick through her magazine. "I don't know what you mean, Edward." She finally answered, still not looking at him.

"You know what! The way you talked to her, Bella, it's unacceptable. You can't talk to people like that, especially not her." Bella then threw the magazine to the side of her and jumped to her feet and moved slightly closer to him. "Oh, really, Edward. Just cause the whore paid a bit of attention to you, you think you can talk to me like this." Jacob screamed "HEY!" He wouldn't have anyone bad mouth his grandmother.

"You listen to me, Bella. We are done, we're not even mates. SHE IS MY MATE AND YOU WILL NEVER SPEAK TO HER LIKE THAT AGAIN." He took notice that she actually seemed afraid of him for a second.

"Oh Damn," Emmet said from the back of the room Rosalie quickly smacked him upside the head now was not the time even though she was very glad that Edward finally put Bella in her place. 

Edward made his way out of the room with Renesmee to put her to bed, when he suddenly turned and said with no emotion "I want to get a divorce. I'll have the papers by tomorrow afternoon."

Grandma Red  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang