Three: Do Ruby Slippers Go With This Outfit?

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*** Author's note: Thank you again for reading. Please vote and comment!***

Ellie spent the rest of the night sorting through her closet and lingerie, just in case something else went wrong.  Anthony couldn't promise he would be with her on the plane, and he hadn't pledged to bring her suitcase in time for her to make the flight.

When her phone chirped again, she was stowing her makeup compact in the extra shoulder bag.

The display showed a new message from Anthony:

*downstairs. got your bags*

Startled, Ellie stopped short. The overnighter tipped backwards, its handle pointed back into the bedroom. She stumbled over it, thinking she needed to right the thing and halted.

Why? He'd arrived. Her luggage was downstairs.

She snagged her coffee mug from the counter so she could rinse it.

Things looked better that way. And the suitcase tipped over was just wrong.

Anthony was checking his phone as she exited the building. "Hurry, much?"

"Stop at the bank, we'll need cash."

"No can do. We're late." He opened the driver's side door and slid in.

Ellie stared. He was driving her car. Ellie drew her lip up between her teeth, and launched her tote and purse into the passenger's seat.

She waited until he got into the driver's seat. "Where's my bag?"

"In the trunk."

"Where's your bag?"

Anthony poked a thumb towards the back seat, and Ellie turned to look.

"That's nothing! What have you got in there?"

"It's enough." His eyes were shaded by mirrored sunglasses. "If I need anything else, I'll buy it at the airport. Or in Honolulu." The set of his jaw showed the same tension he used to twist the key in the ignition. "You know I like to shop."

"We need money, so I can change your name on the ticket."

"There are ATMs at the airport."

"But those machines charge fees."

Anthony balanced his hands on the wheel. "We're running late," he said again. Looking over his shoulder, he pulled out.

She sat back in the seat, arms folded over her chest as he swung around a corner. "I had to pick up the suitcase. It fell over."

They were at a stop sign and Anthony's foot hit the brake, throwing her against the seat belt. The shades turned to look at her. "Really, Ellie? Did you absolutely have to turn the extra suitcase, the one you left behind, right side up? Would its feelings have been hurt if you just left it?"

Now her chin was up. "I like things to be in order before I leave. Is that a crime?"

Heavy sigh from the shades. He was was trying to do her a favor, and she'd insisted on doing things her way.

"Okay, alright. I'm sorry." She uncrossed her arms. That didn't feel right, so she laced her hands together.

Anthony steered the car around corners and on to the freeway. They rode in silence, and Ellie counted the exits, knowing this was just the start of a long journey.

What had she been thinking, letting the Perp women push her into asking Anthony to come on her honeymoon? She'd made a very big decision eight months ago: Bernie. Even wearing the engagement ring, without a wedding band, felt as if her future was still ahead, waiting for her - in the future.

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