47. Surprise Surprise

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A/N: The comments on the previous chapter were priceless 🤣🤣🤣
Anyway, I'm just here to remind you all that my warning still stands.

I stared at Raashid for a very- veeeerrry long time, trying to figure out if he was kidding or not.

Finally, I asked, "What's your favourite anime?"

Raashid raised both of his eyebrows before opening his mouth and closing it again, after a second he asked, "Did I hear you correct or did you just ask what my favourite animal was?"

I snorted, "Anime. Not animal."

Raashid frowned, "What's that?" He asked and I started chuckling.

"Really Raashid? Didn't you just say 'I'm from another world too.'?" I said, mimicking his deep voice.

Confusion clear on his face, he asked "But what's anime got to do with that?" 

I again chuckled, "Anime's got everything to do with it." I said, "If you don't know what anime is, your not from another world- my world. End of discussion."

Honestly, this guy here thought it was okay to joke around like this while I'm being dead ass serious for the first time in a while.

He frowned, "No I am. But I...don't know what anime is..... I was from a place called...B- ugh what was it called again......ah -Brooklyn...I think." He said, scowling.

I raised my eyebrows at that, that place does exist, "Wait, really?"

He nodded.

Wow......but I still don't believe that he is from another world. Interrogation time.

"How long have you been stuck here?" I asked.

"Ever since I was born." He stated and I gasped, "That long?!"

He nodded before I asked, "Let me guess, you died in an accident or some shit because some reaper ended up fucking with your soul and then put you in this world? Yes?"

He looked at me quizzically before asking, "...uh no? And reapers? Really? Where did that come from?"

"Wait, let me show you." I said grabbing my pinky finger (just touching it with my other hand because my fingers were broken) and said the magic words.

The reaper appeared and I quickly grabbed his collar (with my good hand) pulling it down before jabbing my unbroken thumb between the broken fingers in his direction, "See this white-haired dude here? He messed up my life."

Raashid looked between me, my hand on Ajhussi's collar and at Ajhussi  before squinting his eyes, "Ummmm.... What exactly are you trying to show me?"

I sighed as I realised that Ajhussi can't be seen by other people.....or that's what I thought until Ajhussi said, "Wow, looks like it's finally time for explanation and shit."

Soon Raashid's eyes widened as his lips parted slightly, "Woah..."

"Wait...you can be visible to people other than me?" I asked Ajhussi quizically and he just shrugged, "So you were just letting the people in the bar think I was-","-We have more important things to discuss at hand." Ajhussi quickly said before looking at my hand and adding, "Besides your fingers are broken, so no violence."

I glared at him as he turned his attention to a gaping Raashid, "Let me introduce myself, I'm a reaper."

"Uhh...nice meeting you?" Raashid said, trying to give him a polite smile which turned to a weird one. Not that I blame him, if I saw a man suddenly appearing out of nowhere and was still floating in mid-air, I would make the same face.

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