🎼Ep.17: Boyz Crazy🎼

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~~~~~~~~~Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~

Today had been pretty normal so far. (y/n)'s friend Leo had recovered recently and we got him a job here since he wanted to earn some money himself. At the moment, (y/n) and I stood behind the counter looking at the cameras, seeing Stan talking to a costumer.

"Do you have this t-shirt in my size?" I said as I lowered my voice to try and mock the costumer.

"I have something even better! Behold: my butt!!"

(y/n) and I laughed as she spoke for Stan, spending time with her always made me so happy.

"This is what you guys do for fun here?" We both turned to Leo who was leaning against a chair, a book in hand.

(y/n) rolled her eyes, though a smile still on her face. "Oh lighten up, Leo. Why don't you give it a try?"


Just then, Mabel came running into the room, screaming and squealing. The three of us tensed up.

"Oh no, she got into the Smile Dip again!!!" I said in a panic.

"Mabel, how many fingers am I holding up?" (y/n) asked as she showed her hand, bending two of her fingers to hide them.

"Five!!! There's always five fingers in a hand, even when bent!!"

"Well she's not wrong."

"I'm like this because today is the greatest day of my life!!!" She threw a calendar in my direction, which ... unfortunately hit me right in the face.

(y/n) took it with a snicker, reading as Leo and I glanced over.

Mabel continued her dance. "Sev'ral Timez is playing at the Gravity Falls Civic Center and Buffet!!!"

"Ohhhhh, yeah, I heard about that."

"Ugh, Sev'ral Timez? Aren't they that boy band that came a decade too late?" I groaned.

"Hate to burst your bubble, Mabel, but you know all those bands are fake, right?" (y/n) and I nodded in agreement at Leo's statement.

Mabel then frowned. "You're making my dance sad..!"

I snickered at a thought. "They's probably a machine that mass-produces them."

"Or maybe the boys are grown from pods!" (y/n) continued, both of us laughing.

However, Mabel simply crossed her arms. "You guys can't ruin this for me, Mabel's got backup!"

Candy and Grenda both ran inside with Sev'ral Times merchandise, smiles on their faces as they greeted us.

"Ready for the greatest night of our lives?!? How many times am I gonna love ya?"

"Sev'ral Timez!!!" They all cheered.

They all ran out, Candy accidentally running into the wall. "I'm okay!" She then followed the others.


The three of us were startled when Wendy and Robbie walked into the gift shop, Wendy with a small glare on her face.

Robbie had a shy smile. "So hey, Wendy, Nate and his girlfriend are going to Lookout Point this weekend, maybe we should go too."

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