Bonus Chapter #1

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" Yah, Hurry up! I wanna go!~" Jaehyuk whined as you were still putting on your shoes.

Today you, Jaehyuk and Yoongi were going to a fun fair because Jaehyuk had really wanted to go there. The drive to the specific fun fair he'd seen was about an hour, but according to him, it'd be worth it.

Jaehyuk has been back in your lives for around seven months now, and to all of you it felt natural to just be together.

After a week, none of you tip toed around each other. For example, Yoongi used to always walk around in his underwear im the morning, and after a week of Jaehyuk living under your roof, he continued like he always did.

Jaehyuk had been a little wary of it first but before you knew it, he too had started walking around in his underwear.

" Yah, don't use that tone on your mother Hyuk'. It's rude." Yoongi pointed out gently.

Jaehyuk's behavior had changed over the years, and that sometimes made it difficult to correct, but Yoongi managed to put it in words after a while on how to tell him.

" But you sometimes use that tone on her too." Jaehyuk complained.

" Yes, but I am married to her. Unless you want to marry your mother, I suggest you talk to her with respect at all times." Yoongi deadpanned.

Jaehyuk made a face akeen to disgust, but changed his expression once he saw your amused face.

" No thank you. I'll find my own wife at some point of my life I'm sure." He said as you chuckled.

" Alright boys, let's go!" You cheered as you grabbed your bag.

" Yah, I'm your husband don't adress me as if I'm a boy." Your husbabd cringed.

" Oh, I'm sorry Honeyponny, is that better?"

" Ew. Please flirt after my bedtime."


" Mum, can I talk to you?" Jaehyuk asked after spending a few hours there.

" Of course sweetie, what's wrong?" You asked him as you waved Yoongi off, who took your heed and went to get candyfloss.

" I know that I said that it'd be fun here. But it's a little too crowded. Can we go home early?" Jaehyuk asked, not meetimg your eyes as he felt a little guilty.

His friends had been ecstatic about the fun fair, and he honestly tough it would have been fun, but he didn't think it would be this crowded and that every line would be that long.

You ran your hand trough his hair with a soft smile, a habit you had with both of your boys, or well, your boy and your man.

Jaehyuk's shoulders instantly relaxed a little, his posture less tense as the familiar feeling of being safe and protected came over him.

" Sure sweetie. And it's alright, you can't know how to feel about certain things without experiencing it first." You smiled.

Jaehyuk let out a breath of relief.

Yoongi returned after a moment.

You knew for a fact that Yoongi was uncomfortable with so many people around too. Even tough he always worked backstage at busy concerts, he still felt a little misplaced when he was in fun fairs or overall just crowded places.

" Let's go home. I think we're all a little tired." You told Yoongi, who looked confused.

" I mean sure? Hyukie, are you set on leaving yet or do you want to stay a little longer?" Yoongi asked him.

Jaehyuk shook his head.

" No. I want to go home too." He said.

Yoongi shrugged but nodded.

" Thank god, some people here really smell."

[A/N: This is really just a random chapter, but y'all seemed to be sad that the story ended even tough it had like 23 or sum chapters lol. Hope you enjoyed it. Also, I'm think about writing a Q & A chapter from the characters point of biew, it'll have 4 smoll parts ( one for Y/N, one for Jaehyuk, one for Yoongi, and one for your author dipshit. So ask away your questions :D]]

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