Chapter 2

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As soon as Harry got in the car he was asleep, curled up and facing away from Louis.

Louis quickly drove to the tour bus and parked up, getting out and walking round to Harry's side of the car, opening the door.

"Hazza? Wake up." He calls out gently, shaking Harry's shoulder.

Harry jolts awake and pushes Louis away quickly, holding his hands out in front of him in a defensive stance.

"Go away!"

Louis had managed to find his footing and not fall to the floor, and carefully approached his best friend again.

"Haz, it's me, Louis. Calm down!" He said in what he hoped was a reassuring way, his heart thumping in his chest violently.

Harry whimpers and slowly puts his hands down, looking up to Louis for confirmation.

When he sees the bright blue eyes staring at him in concern he unbuckles his belt and launches himself at Louis in a hug, Louis staggering back a little before righting himself and wrapping Harry up in his arms.

Harry starts sobbing loudly, whispering sorry over and over again.

The rest of the boys hear the car pull up and all come out of the bus, shocked to see Harry crying uncontrollably on Louis.

"Lou?" Liam calls out, making Harry grip Louis harder and Louis looks up to make eye contact with the Dom.

"What happened?" Liam mouthed.

"Don't know." He mouths back before turning his attention back to Harry. "Shh, its alright, Haz. You're safe now, and the boys are all fine too. It's okay, calm down for me. You wanna head back to the bus?"

Harry takes a few deep breaths before nodding and stepping back, head down and standing behind Louis, staring decidedly at the floor and not into the concerned eyes of his band mates.

Louis grabs Harry's hand into his own and leads the way onto the bus, the rest of the boys following suite.

They head into the lounge room, Louis sitting down on one of the sofas with Harry next to him, curled up so his head was resting on Louis chest and his knees tucked up under him.

Louis wraps and arm around him and tries to reassure him everythings gonna be okay.

"Um, I'm gonna pop the kettle on, anyone want anything?" Niall asks, trying to break the tension.

"Yeah, me and Zayn will have a tea if your making, thanks Ni." Liam says, sitting down on the other sofa, pulling Zayn into his lap.

Liam was just wearing a pair of joggers, and Zayn a loose pair of shorts and a long sleeved white t shirt.

Zayn had been asleep when Louis had gotten the call from Louis, and Liam had let him sleep until they'd heard Louis pull up, so he was still sleepy, and a sleepy Zayn was a clingy Zayn, so he curled up into Liam's bare chest, his eyes still closed but still paying attention to the rest of the room.

"Yeah, I'll have a cuppa too, cheers Ni. Haz, you want anything?" Louis asks softly.

Harry shakes his head.

"Okay, just three tea's then please, Ni." Louis says, stroking a hand through Harry's hair.

"Um, you can all, like, go to bed if you want too, you known. I'm fine, I swear." Harry says timidly.

"Harry, shut up, you're clearly not okay. The only person you're lying to is yourself." Zayn mumbles, nestling his head under Liam's neck, eyes still shut.

Lights up and they know who you are. //  Larry Stylinson. //  BDSM auWhere stories live. Discover now