Chapter Seven

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Armani was sitting in the hospital room beside Annabella, holding her hand. He was still shocked that he had found his twin. He could not wait for all of the fun stuff they could do together, like pranking their brothers, if she accepted their family. He knew that it was going to be hard to do because while he had no idea how she was raised by her kidnappers, he knew that it was not a good way to be raised.

He already knew she was going to have no problems putting him and his brothers into place from what he saw during first period. He also began thinking of her friend Isabella. They seemed close. He was glad she had someone that close to her, but he wishes it would have been him that was that close to her.

Armani sighed and got up. He had things to do at the house so he had to leave his baby sister. He kissed her forehead and left.


Adriano was stressed to the max. Other mafia's had begun to question his ability to rule the Italian Mafia. He knew that if he did not stomp the rumors and questions now, he would be in a war. He sometimes wished he lived a life where he did not have to take care of a mafia. He yearned for a normal family, but knew he would never get it. In some ways, his life would always be connected to the mafia.

He had begged his father years before when he was about to take the mafia over to not make him do it, but Stefano did not listen. Now Adriano suffers everyday because of it.


Alessio and Angelo were at the house prepping for when they could bring their little sister home. They had been getting her clothes and things they wished they had been able to buy her growing up like candy.

They had also been visiting her room to decorate it as much as they were allowed. They had also brought her blanket that was better than the hospital ones, a stuffed animal-- which they made sure was under her arm whenever they visited-- and some cards signed by the rest of the family. She may not have been able to read them just yet, but it was the thought that counts.


Alessandro was in the kitchen trying out all kinds of different recipes, wanting to be able to make his princess anything she might ask for him to. The kitchen was a mess with bowls, plates, pots and pans covering every surface. He, himself, was covered in all types of ingredients ranging from flour to thyme. He did not mind at all though. This occupied his mind enough to forget about Annabella being in the hospital for a few hours. That was enough for him.


Antonio was a completely different story. He was spending his days avoiding the hospital, id out in the gym working his anger out one punch at a time. He was so mad at Annabella and even the rest of his family. How could they just accept her back so easily? Yeah, he knows that it wasn't her fault she got kidnapped, but she just got to waltz back into their lives and they continue on like she was never gone?

It didn't make sense to him. But then again, when did anything happen?


Stefano had been spending the past few days in between his office and the plot where his wife was buried. He had been updating the grave on what was happening and telling it how he wished that she could have been there holding their baby's hand. He hadn't been back to visit Annabella, terrified that she would not wake up. He did not want to get invested in her if she would not make it. He had decided it was for the best that he stayed away.


Days had passed and Annabella still showed no sign of awakening. The De Luca's were losing hope. They were slowly returning back to their normal routines, just visiting the hospital whenever they had the extra time. One person that did not give up hope though was Armani.

He had not returned back to the mafia or school. He spent his days right beside Annabella. Call it twin intuition, but he knew she was going to wake up soon. He would not allow her to wake up alone. He would be there with her for as long as he possibly could.

He would not fail his twin a second time. 

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