Chapter 14

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I woke up to a room filled with a lot of white lights. It was a bright room, I was on a bed the floor had white tiles. The room had white walls, a spotless white ceiling, a steel door with a number lock on it and a one-sided mirror next to the door. The room was soo bright that I could see the it with my eyes closed. I got up on the bed rubbing the back of my neck which was still sore. I couldn't feel it properly. I was the same way as I was dressed just my shoes were undone. I got up and wore them. I went towards the door and opened it. It didn't have a lock set. I took a step out and saw that I was in a huge base, it was the Niger base. I had all kinds of questions Where's Isabel? how did I get here? Who were the ones who shot us? I walked out of the room and looked to my right. Isabel was standing there talking to a man, I approached them rubbing my neck she exclaimed, "oh you're finally up you've been down for hours" I glared at the man and said, "I would've been up by now only if someone hadn't shot me on my neck" he laughed, apologized and said, "you were lucky that you were found because in the radars I saw many infected gathered at the same place you were. So, I went to check what was the matter and I found you guys armed. You were unsafe there so we took you in before the infected got you" "this is the Niger base right?" "yes, neat huh?" "did you get to know what happened to Italian base?" "yeah only a few days ago. So, let's go back and bring the rest" "wait..." he was about to walk away when I told him, "no one survived except me" "oh... I didn't know that. I'm sorry for the loss" "yeah..." he asked, "and where do you come from?" Isabel replied "well I was in the forest Harison passed by so he found me." "that's great. Now come on let's go celebrate you're safe now" we went to the cafeteria popped a champagne and cut a cake we were celebrating as if we won something big. Won something called life, we survived it all. I was thinking about what we had faced till now, it seemed something was out of place.

After dinner I addressed Isabel to meet me in the room in some time she asked, "what's it for?" "I'll tell you everything just be careful no one sees you" she agreed it was about 10 in the night half of the base was asleep. The night shift workers were working. I was laying in my bed until I heard a sharp knock on the door I said, "come in" it was Isabel she came inside. She was rather worried. Thinking about what I wanted to tell her. I made her sit down and offered her some water I said, "don't you think it's odd that they knew the base was destroyed and we were coming?" she seemed kind of relieved and replied, "no I don't think so maybe the WWO's told them" I was confused still I said, "yeah..." suddenly the 1 sided mirror turned into a glass and from the other side we saw Ethan the same guy who we were talking to all day long. He had a creepy grin on his face.

He came inside of the room and said, "she's right WWO's did tell us. If you don't mind would you follow me, I want to show you something" we followed him into a dark room. The room seemed as a private office and I was right it was a private office. He took us to his desk and opened a file it was a text file and it read as "THIS IS AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE" with bold and underlined letters. With the incident described that someone accidentally left the secondary doors open just a little bit through which many infected came in. Everyone was called to the emergency meeting but one person was left and he is yet to be found. I saw right under that message Ethan had replied saying that he Is found day 4 from the incident near the edge of Tunisia. I thanked him for sharing and we went back to our beds. I felt embarrassed after what had happened yet my doubt was not solved. I was still thinking about it we went to our rooms. where I tried sleeping but couldn't sleep thinking about the infected and how did we not know that they were scared of fire. Something was still not right there was something bothering me that I couldn't sleep. I was up for about 4 more hours knowing something wasn't right either its them or it's the whole system. I described what I felt to the journal. Some things just don't make sense.

The VordoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora