14. The Confrontation

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"Thank you

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"Thank you."

His voice was still a soft whisper in my ears long after he'd vanished. Even when I heard new footsteps approaching, I couldn't escape the echo of his words. Something about them felt like they marked a shift between us, and I already anticipated our next meeting to discover if it was a positive change or not. I worried that my spying on him might've shattered the hint of trust he had towards me, ruining any possibility of learning more about him. But the gratitude I heard in his tone gave me hope that it was the opposite - that he trusted me more than before. The thought sent a pleasant warmth throughout my chest.

Before I could think any further, someone called my name.


I hardly recognized his voice as I rarely heard him speak, but his flawless skin and wine-red hair became clear under the low light as he stepped onto the platform.


He gave me a once-over, his eyes piercing through the darkness, then he cleared his throat. "You're here early. How did you even get in?"

I shrugged, keeping my face impassive. "It was open when I got here."

Yoongi didn't even attempt to hide his suspicion. His eyes narrowed, he crossed his arms, but taking me by surprise was the smirk that tilted the corner of his mouth. He said not a word and we hung in silence until more footsteps approached.


I recognized the huskier voice as Namjoon's, and I could just make out the smile that stretched over his lips when he stepped in front of us and spotted me. "Oh, you're here too. I would've expected you to come with Jimin."

"Normally I would've, but I got out of my class early today," I explained, relieved to no longer be alone with the quieter male.

Namjoon nodded in understanding, then gestured to the ladder. "We should start going down before it gets more crowded," he suggested. "Ladies first-- or not."

Yoongi proceeded down the ladder before I had a chance to accept Namjoon's invitation. I found the lavender-haired male rolling his eyes at his less-chivalrous friend.

As soon as Yoongi made it to the bottom, Namjoon stepped out of the way and allowed me to go next. I descended slowly, the bars cold underneath the grip of my hands. I hated everything about that ladder, from the way it oozed the metallic stench of rust to the way it trembled unsurely with every step I took.

I was still several feet from the ground when the bar beneath my hands suddenly snapped and broke off and I went falling backward. My breath hitched as I feared the instant my head would meet the hard floor, but a pair of arms caught me and my head met a hard skull instead. A groan escaped the two of us as Yoongi righted me and let me go. I turned to face him, the swift motion sending my head spinning.

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