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I woke up the next morning to my annoyingly loud alarm clock ringing. Well, that annoying alarm is what wakes me up every morning.

I got ready for college, ate my breakfast which was just an apple, and then walked to the brick red building which was my college.

I met Navya at the entrance and we gave each other a small hug before walking into our class. I saw Manik sitting at a corner with a girl who had put on heavy makeup. Her look made me want to throw up right on her face. I wouldn't say she was ugly. She was pretty but there was something about her that bothered me. I didn't know what.

Manik smiled at me and I just gave him a tight, half-hearted smile. I sat on the second bench along with Navya.

 I sat on the second bench along with Navya

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'Who's she?'

I asked Navya, eyeing towards the girl who was sitting near Manik.
Navya looked at me with a teasing expression.

'When did you start caring about other people around?

Let me guess, is it because she is sitting with Manik?

Are you jealous?'

She asked, teasing me.

'Hell no!

Why would I be jealous?

I just wanted to know who she is?

Looks creepy.' I said.

'Well she is creepy. She is the biggest badass bitch of this college whose only aim in life seems to be hooking up with hot and rich guys. She's like the female version of Maddy.' Navya said, sighing.

I just nodded.

'Her name is Aliya saxsena.'

She said.

I've heard the name. I was never aware of anything going around me but I'd heard a lot of things. Things that I never cared about but still were stored somewhere in my mind.

I looked at her one last time before the teacher entered. She was almost going to kiss Manik's and I didn't know why but I felt something against her.

'Good thing she never got to bully you.' Navya said to me but seems like it wasn't the apt time to say it because Aliya caught hold of me later during lunch break that day.

I was arranging my books in the locker and Navya had gone to meet Cabir when I felt someone's hand on my right shoulder. I turned around to meet my eyes with the devil herself.

Aliya stood before me with her annoying smirk. I wondered how she managed to look beautiful. Maybe it was her makeup.

'Hey nerdy.' She exclaimed in fake cheerfulness.

'H..hi.' I replied shortly, not looking up at her. I hated myself at situations like this when I couldn't stand up for myself.

'Seems like this ugly little nerdy is dreaming of being with Manik malhotra'. She said, running her index finger down my face.

Take him if you want, I don't want him, my brain screamed but I didn't have the courage to voice it.

'What happened?

Where's your squeaky little voice now?'

She asked.

I looked in her eyes and adjusted my glasses.

'I saw you ogling at Manik earlier.'

'I...I didn't.'

'My eyes never deceive me. And I also saw you at the party yesterday. You were trying to look sexy but you were pathetic.' She said, her smirk going wide.

I realised that Aliya was the girl that I had seen with Manik during the party last night.

'Look, you pathetic little bitch. You are not even near to Manik's standard. So, stay away from him or the consequences will be worse than your worst nightmare.' She said, pulling my hair. It hurts.

Well, the consequence couldn't be worse than my father's violence, isn't it?

Or could it be?

She went away swaying her hips. I felt relieved.

I wished I wouldn't have gone to Manik's party, then none of this would have happened.

Later that day, Manik tried to have a conversation with me but somehow, I ignored him. I felt that I should be stronger now. I couldn't be dependent on someone for my whole life.

I had to stand for myself.

After college, I went to my home, preparing myself for my father's outrage. I sat on my bed, reading a romance novel. I didn't know how quick the time went by. Halfway through the novel, when I looked at the sky through my window, I saw that it was night already. I was waiting for my father but my eyes started feeling heavy and I didn't know when I fell asleep. Strangely enough, my father didn't turn up that night.

So how was it?

What do you think happened to Nandini's father suddenly?

And how are you liking the characters?

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Stay home, stay safe.

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