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Anna's POV

I get up early and checked a few things on the internet.

Today I didn't make breakfast for anyone. I'm going to buy something for breakfast later.

I'm going to change so many things here. I've made my decision. It's time for school when get downstairs. My aunt was in the kitchen, looking for breakfast.

"I didn't make any breakfast. Stop looking for it." I said.

"Why, you stupid girl? What do we eat now? Your uncle and I are getting late for the office." She shouted.

"Why are you shouting? You were behaving very differently, just yesterday. What changed today?" I asked mockingly. Because I know now that she was pretending.

She took a deep breath and showed a fake smile. "It's not like that dear. Nothing has changed. We still love you. It's ok if you didn't make breakfast,  just tomorrow do it on time. Ok, dear. It's getting late. You should go to school." She said.

I scoffed at her bullshit fake 'live show'. I didn't reply. I just took my bag and went out to school.


At school gate

I was waiting for Xavier. I don't know who else to talk to. Maybe he can give me some advice. I was looking at the ground when someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked up and saw a guy. He was waving at me. I looked around me to see if there is someone he knows. But no one was there. I looked at him, doubtfully.
"Do I know you?" I asked politely.

"No." He said smilingly, without any awkwardness. Like it's very normal, to suddenly come up to a complete stranger and talk.

"Sorry," I said and moved to walk the other side when I heard Xavier's voice.

"Why are you scaring her? She will never talk to you if you keep on behaving like a crazy stalker." Xavier said to the guy in front of me.

Do they know each other? Now when I see them together, they do look a little similar. Are they brothers?

"Hi, princess. This crazy guy is my cousin. David. He just came from London. He will be studying in this school with me. If you don't like him, I will not talk to him in school?" He said with so much seriousness that I almost believe it. I looked at his cousin, David, he was looking at Xavier in shock. Poor him, couldn't believe his brother just abandoned him for his new friend.

David hit Xavier on the back of his head.
"You left your brother the second you see a pretty girl. I mean, I would do the same in a bit too, but I'm new here, how can you do that to me." He said with a fake cry.

I laughed at these two brothers' stupidities. I started to walk towards the school. I can hear them following me, but still arguing with each other.

I stopped by my locker and waited for them to join me. They must be in the information office, for David's schedule.

I was still waiting, when Kate came from behind and tried to scare me.

"What are you doing here? Why not in the class?" She asked.

"I'm waiting for Xavier" I replied simply.

"There is something going on between you two. Right? He totally hates me." She said.

"No, there is nothing going on between us and No, he doesn't hate you," I replied.

What nonsense she is talking. We are just good friends. Right?

"I believe that he...." she couldn't say any more because Xavier and David came towards us.

"And who is this beautiful lady?" David asked looking at Kate. In no time Kate was as red as tomatoes and I sighed in relief.

Thank God, now his attention moved towards someone else.

He put his arm on Kate's shoulder and started walking towards god knows where asked her some questions.

I looked at Xavier.  Now we got the time to talk.

"I need to tell you something." 
"I need to tell you something." We both said together. I waited for him to continue.

"No, you tell me first." He said. I do need to tell him this.

"Yesterday, my aunt was pretending. They want my company. I think they are lying to me from the start." I said. There was so much in my heart that I didn't notice that my eyes started to tear up.

He took my hand and started walking towards the school gate.

Where is he taking me? We have school.

" Where are we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere, I can't just stand and watch you cry. It is the hardest thing." He replied without stopping in between.

"But where? We still have school." I asked. But didn't objected much because I do need some fresh air. So I just followed him.

"You are more important than school." He replied. Which made my heart skip a beat.


We were sitting on a bench, on a hill. The city can be seen from here. We have lots of ice cream with us.

"What happened yesterday?" He asked.

"I heard them talking about how they will transfer everything that is under my name to them. They are just waiting for me to turn 18 and then they will kick me out of the house." I replied. No years were coming down now.

All these feelings were overcome because of this man sitting with me. Being near him, I feel that I have nothing to fear. He can take care of me in any mess.

"I knew, that they were pretending. I talked to my family about your family. My father said he will look for a way to help me. Yesterday he told me, that your uncle and aunt are planning to betray you and all the shareholders. Then you called.  You were so happy that I didn't want to ruin it, not then, when I can't be near you, to comfort you." He said.

"You talked to your family about it," I asked. I was shocked. How can he?

"Yeah. They are very worried about you. Oh yes! I can take you to my home. We can't go to school and my mom told me to bring you home. Let's go." He said very casually.

"Are you out of your mind? Why would I go to your home? And your mother must have just said it because she felt pity for me. That's all." I said. It got a little bitter in the end.

"Don't you trust me. When I said that she was really worried didn't you understand. No more talk. We are going." He said with finality.

Hello, lovelies.

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