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at last spring break had rolled around

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at last spring break had rolled around. this meant most of the students who attended weston academy would be returning to their homes unless their parents payed extra for them to stay there or they simply begged to stay. which, who would even beg to stay at hell-ton?

olivia was full of adrenaline, ready to head back home for a week and spend some time with her mother, maybe even go out and spend some time with todd, knox, meeks and pitts if they could figure out a time. she carried only a small bag with her.  she didn't take every single thing to welton with her after all, she still had clothes at home. she simply had her bathroom stuff and a single pair of clothes she loved.

"alright, you boys keep safe now. i've given my number so if any of you need me or whatever feel free to give a call, okay?" olivia asked as she saw her mother's car pull up, giving them all hugs.

"yeah of course." meeks nodded. "if i want to bug you about that latin spring assignment i can right? i already know you're not gonna be working on it very often."

olivia gasped dramatically, "steven! i'd never forget about it." she laughed. "i'm kidding, but of course. i'll be there to help if you need it. i doubt that since you're like way smarter than me but you get the gist." she said with a shrug and he nodded.

"can i call about advice with chris? or is that all too annoying." knox asked with a laugh, joking yet not.

"oh not at all. i love chris, you already know that. i'm sure she'll be calling me about you. she's more romantic than you think, knox." olivia said. "anyways, my mothers here. take care please! i'll see you all soon." she said to the boys with a wave before walking over to her mothers car and getting in. she looked out the window after she shut the door and buckled up, smiling at them as they waved.

"who are those fine young men?" was the very first thing olivia's mother said with a grin.

"oh! those are my friends i was talking about minus charlie... he got expelled and i think he's attending the school chris, the girl i was talking about attends. and neil, um... you know." olivia informed her mother, clearing her throat after.

"ah, i see. they're very handsome boys and seem like good boys other than what had occurred back in december." her mother said shaking her head a bit.

"right, um, yes, very fine boys, smart." she managed to spit out. she didn't know exactly

"so, you're dating one of 'em?" there she was. her perky mother that always

olivia laughed, shaking her head. "no. none of those boys."

"how about the fool? which one was that again?" questioned the mother. she was always very curious about her daughters significant others. after all, that was her daughter, she wasn't going to let her off with some hell raiser.

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