Gold Coast, Australia

I have 5 years living in this country and the truth is beautiful, since I left my present country Canada, I am already in my third semester of Marine Biologist.

The truth is impressive, this is one of my favorite careers; since I was in high school I liked it. It's just that the truth is, I love aquatic animals especially sharks, manta rays, turtles, dolphins, whales and clear fish too but my favorite is the Shark.

Now I'm going to college, because the truth is time, I'm running late. I'll see you later.

There's a good way! My name is Lisa Ying, I'm 23 years old.

At the University...

Well, I'm already here in college, and I'm going to teach my classes.

Well, I went to see my friends in the other doctoral and even physical nursing careers.

-Hello Friends, how are you doing in your careers? - Lisa

-Well, there a lot of study I can tell you. - Esther

-Yes very true. For my part I am tired of so much study, but I do my best to graduate; that's my goal. - John

-On my side I am having a good time, I love the matter of nurse and I give everything of me. - Kira

-On my side, I have the brain that is exploiting me from both studying, studying and reviewing physicist books; but I give everything about myself to complete this career, graduate and work on it.
But tell us how you're doing in the Marina dinos Lisa career as a biologist. - Paul

-Well, I love this career, I already want to graduate to be a great marine biologist. - Lisa

-We are so happy for you Lisa! - Friends.

Well, for now, I'm going to go to my class and finish it all.

2 years later...

It's my graduation day, I feel very happy, here's my family, friends!
I'm very happy, to graduate so I can work off them.

"Today we are here to graduate these students, who today for their effort and dedication managed to get here. Let's give each of them a round of applause."

* Applause *

"Now we'll start the ceremony!"

The ceremony was very nice, the truth I loved everything, the people decorated the mood and pride of the parents for their children.

-Congratulations friend on this day.! - All my friends.

-Thank you to all of you for being present at this moment in my life.

-Congratulations daughter, we love you very much. We knew you'd achieve your dreams! We love you very much and we're proud of you.

-Thank you!


I'm so happy for this day, now I'll rest because tomorrow I'm going to get a job. Anyway, I already have several applications for companies that are in charge of marine biology.
I'll be reading every one of them. And I'll know which one's the best or I'll get a job.
But it will be tomorrow as I will rest and remember this day.

The next morning...

First I'll see every notification and there I'll actually know which of all I'll take the job I'll go looking for work to work on what I'd like.

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