Chapter Thirteen; Sweetly Unexpected

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Author's Note; to you Americanos out there, 'crisps' is British for chips/potato chips, whatever it is you call them, aha. Oh, and 'telly' is slang for television/tv, I realised I've never mentioned that before, oops. Anyway, E N J O Y !

Sweetly Yours

Chapter Thirteen; Sweetly Unexpected

I stood in the kitchen, awkwardly to say the least, still standing in the exact same spot I had been in when Jamie had left. I occupied myself by fidgeting with a strand of my hair restlessly as I bit my lip, thinking of what had just happened. It was all so fast, I’d barely known what was going on. 

And what was I going to do now?

I couldn't go hang out with Jamie. I couldn't go and see Kye. Oh, and I couldn't exactly just go pop in and strike up a friendly conversation with Mr or Mrs Bright, could I?

I was stuck.

Stuck in an extremely sticky situation, with no striking solution standing out.

Or maybe not . . .

My eyes fell upon the television, which had a beam of bright light from the nearby window streaming directly onto it, standing out from the corner of my eye. The solution couldn't be clearer if it had a large pane of light from the heavens shining on it--oh, wait, it did. Well, kind of.

If I couldn’t find myself some human company, technology was a great plan B. Perhaps it was even better, because you couldn’t exactly ‘fall out’ with a television. Or at least, I hoped you couldn’t.

I made may way over to the TV quietly, picking up the discarded remote Jamie had flung over in his dramatic exit, turning on the shiny flat screen and immediately turning down the volume. I fell back onto the sofa, snuggling myself down into the pillows.

I pressed a few of the rubber grey buttons on the remote, bringing up the channel list, which showed everything that was on. I flicked through the list for a few minutes soundlessly, before a particular title caught my eye, the familiar, short little name standing out among the bland, reality TV programmes.


Jabbing the button impatiently, I selected the channel, delighted to see that the classic Christmas film was only just starting. Grinning widely to myself, I settled back and began to watch the familiar opening scene.

So many memories.

I’d watched this film countless amounts of times with my family on Christmas Day, ever since my parents bought it for Cameron, Gabby and I on one joyous, humorous Christmas. I remember the scene as if it was yesterday, with the whole family; my parents, Gabby and Cameron, my grandparents, and Cracker, our dog, all settling down into our living room with a tin of chocolates being passed around from one greedy hand to another, our bellies already full and groaning from our hearty Christmas dinner.

Granny and Granddad were sat on the loveseat, sharing a pile of chocolates they had in their laps and looking at each other dotingly. Mama and Dad were on the three seater sofa, with me wrapped up in my new woolly jumper squashed in between. Cameron was sprawled out on the floor, with Cracker lying over his legs tiredly, and Gabby was snuggled up in the recliner, clutching onto her new fleece blanket possessively.

We all watched the film eagerly, laughing, smiling and getting so engrossed in the film that nothing could tear our eyes away from the telly, we even grabbed, took from and passed around the chocolates tin without batting an eyelid.

When it did end, I remember feeling so disappointed that such a funny, amazing film had finished, that Gabby, Cameron and I watched it again the next day, enjoying it perhaps even more than the first time.

With that happy memory warming by insides, I settled back into the film, smiling fondly before it had even really begun. I even mouthed along a few of the lines, having watched it so much I could quote blocks of it without blinking.

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